其實開吊船黎做乜呢?加雪種?洗冷氣機? :?:作者: CJ 時間: 2004-6-2 02:08:43
for many purposes; mainly for services cannot be performed inhouse. Both cases mentioned are correct; also include window cleaning pipe maintenance exterior maintenance A/C installation/maintenance...
heard normally very expensive...作者: liuh 時間: 2004-6-3 22:51:53
I hope 吊船 will move to D/E to fix my air conditioner problem. I have been waiting for this over 2 weeks alreay.
liuh作者: C.C. Law 時間: 2004-6-5 02:27:46
我今日收到通知 話05/06/04至19/06/04 flat e & f 會有吊船洗冷氣機! 各位 flat e & f 嘅朋友 記得關窗啦!作者: Tang see 時間: 2004-6-5 14:16:40