除3個位於楊屋道項目外,長實(0001)位於葵涌和宜合道33號漾澄軒,亦計劃於下月計劃申請預售樓花,最快於8月推售,單位面積約700至900方呎,另有小量連花園單位及1300至1700方呎相雙連位,共提供約920伙。 另外,和黃(0013)發展的青衣服務式住宅藍澄灣,昨天亦低調加價8%至每呎平均3100餘元。作者: Wynne and Paul 時間: 2004-5-27 22:10:40
wow good news. Target is average price $4000作者: Alvin and Janis 時間: 2004-5-27 22:33:37
嘩 有無咁多呀??作者: Wynne and Paul 時間: 2004-5-27 22:40:11
I mean my target.作者: RamblerVillager 時間: 2004-5-27 22:49:52
RC "天巒天"單位值$8000. 因為珀麗二重天呎價要$10000. :em03:
什麼是服務式住宅? RC是服務式住宅嗎?
[quote:6258f05b75="Wynne & Paul"]wow good news. Target is average price $4000[/quote]作者: machine 時間: 2004-5-27 23:38:44
服務式住宅.... One type of developments classifed by the Lands Dept. of the Government which aims at serve as a buffer to separate industrial area with residential lands.
Most of these 服務式住宅 intended by the Gov't not for long-term living (Just a thinking of our poor Government)作者: eric_818 時間: 2004-5-28 01:02:27