
標題: 寬頻最新消息 [打印本頁]

作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-8 16:43:43     標題: 寬頻最新消息

交表7日之後再打去hgc可以開個10mb 郵箱
作者: saml    時間: 2004-5-8 19:24:21

請問可否張有關的查詢電話號碼貼出來?(我無時間入去攞信呀 :em01: )謝謝!! :em14:
作者: hclking    時間: 2004-5-8 20:01:23

[quote:985f3d8794="saml"]請問可否張有關的查詢電話號碼貼出來?(我無時間入去攞信呀 :em01: )謝謝!! :em14:[/quote]
和記環球電訊熱線 21899388
作者: John and Esther    時間: 2004-5-8 22:56:55     標題: Re: 寬頻最新消息

交表7日之後再打去hgc可以開個10mb 郵箱

明屈$150. :em13:
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-8 23:15:07

here is the fax copy.
作者: Y and T    時間: 2004-5-9 00:22:44

$150!? sigh! 入左局tim
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-5-9 00:31:52

guess their original assumption is for small unit only the small room is used as the bedroom and thus is the only room for boardband...

It could be their stupid assumption but may not be intentionally cheat you. They still need to ask technician to recable and it is still a cost. Though seems have no other choice may be we can group together for bargain.
作者: John and Esther    時間: 2004-5-9 00:37:04

[quote:d9f210227f="CJ"]guess their original assumption is for small unit only the small room is used as the bedroom and thus is the only room for boardband...

It could be their stupid assumption but may not be intentionally cheat you. They still need to ask technician to recable and it is still a cost. Though seems have no other choice may be we can group together for bargain.[/quote]

How to recable the Lan since the LAN sockets already installed in all rooms in the large unit? Anyone know how they activate the other LAN socket?
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-9 01:16:54

1.d 師父會用條穿線帶拉過條新線到你想上網個插座度(會cut舊果條)
2.又或者d 師父會甩左細房個插座條線再轉駁落你想上網個插座度(呢個可能性高d 因為stephenyeong兄講過而家係serial連埋再加上材料費同埋師父門懶惰性)

對於一d有多部電腦要上網人黎講咁樣非常之唔惦我之前用開pccw 6mb 4個account 個plan 有個一開四modem之後再拉明線駁落d電腦(好核突週屋都係線飛黎飛去)

1.轉用wireless network
我本身有用開centrino notebook同wirless router只要買多兩個access point 比desktop d 電腦用就攪惦咩都唔駛做又靚但係考慮過速度問題之後又唔係咁想唔知係事實定係心理作用wireless lan 唔及用cat5線咁快同stable。

2.自己動手拉個 home lan
拉多個插座要件$150...3部機即係要加2個 $300
我自己買箱線先$380用返現有個router再買條穿線帶加埋d工具$100 自已拉...抵好多...不過呢個係未實驗過諗法唔知work唔work(如果有高手知唔得請提點下)我會向下個week放假時試下唔知有冇鄰居有興趣幫手研究下?
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-5-9 01:22:16

作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-9 01:37:07

緊係得 不過唔包d裝修師父會唔會拉錯...
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-5-9 01:42:49

as long as if we accept to use Powerline there is third solution... powerline network
e.g. http://www.gnl.com.hk/

cat5 > 11g > powerline network >11b

for internet access seems ok. Otherwise unless you are playing CS at home lan...
作者: qualcomm    時間: 2004-5-9 10:25:15

因為所有Tel Cat 5都由細房開始Serial入來

i.e. 細房->(中房)->廳->主人房

我講多一次拆開細房Socket你會見到有四條芯(White OrangeOrangeWhite GreenGreen) (實入中房∕廳)冇駁千萬不要駁回到電話socket因電阻會太大.


1.先unplug電話Socket的(White OrangeOrangeWhite GreenGreen)芯線除了要用的Socket除外.
2.用一些Connector(SSP $0.2 per one買二十粒)將所有四條芯跟顏色駁上

然後你便省回$150 和時間loo...
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2004-5-9 11:32:52

sorry qualcomm would u plz explain more in details? It would be great if u can attached photo of how to do la...thankssssss :em14:
作者: saml    時間: 2004-5-9 11:38:03

作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-9 13:57:50

Sorry qualcomm 想問清楚d...
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-5-9 20:54:02

SSP= ShamShuiPo's Ap Liu St or Golden Ctr...

Yes I guess his connection as below and thus you cannot connect at small room then since all lines are cut...
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-9 21:34:11

[quote:a970ab9928="CJ"]SSP= ShamShuiPo's Ap Liu St or Golden Ctr...

Yes I guess his connection as below and thus you cannot connect at small room then since all lines are cut...[/quote]

yes you can only move the connect location.
如果我做我會夾豆 不過豆價在深水-鶿O$1 - $1.5 一粒.
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-5-9 22:15:19

咁係咪即係要有兩部機可以同時上網 只有:
1.用wireless router
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-9 22:42:59

[quote:429167ecdb="H&H"]咁係咪即係要有兩部機可以同時上網 只有:
1.用wireless router

理論上可以用原本的喉管拉多兩條線. 下星期我會試試. 可行的話再話比大家知.
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-5-9 23:00:59

[quote:599dcfa3d9="stephenyeong"][quote:599dcfa3d9="H&H"]咁係咪即係要有兩部機可以同時上網 只有:
1.用wireless router

理論上可以用原本的喉管拉多兩條線. 下星期我會試試. 可行的話再話比大家知.[/quote]好呀好呀 教我0Y thanks
作者: Alvin and Janis    時間: 2004-5-9 23:02:00

[quote:ec5f6f23f9="H&H"][quote:ec5f6f23f9="stephenyeong"][quote:ec5f6f23f9="H&H"]咁係咪即係要有兩部機可以同時上網 只有:
1.用wireless router

理論上可以用原本的喉管拉多兩條線. 下星期我會試試. 可行的話再話比大家知.[/quote]好呀好呀 教我0Y thanks[/quote]

作者: KMKO    時間: 2004-5-10 13:37:01

作者: CJ    時間: 2004-5-10 13:51:36

H&H 寫到:
咁係咪即係要有兩部機可以同時上網 只有:
1.用wireless router

理論上可以用原本的喉管拉多兩條線. 下星期我會試試. 可行的話再話比大家知.

Need to clarify it is not possible without a router la...
Even if we can cable more lines to the other 2 sockets still there is only one entry port. You will need the router to partition/translate the network...
作者: rstfung    時間: 2004-5-10 14:00:29

請問有無人試過用Switch 駁可唔可以 :?:  如果可以就有兩個True IP  :em17:   用Router當然可以 但就只有1個IP :em16: !!!
作者: 燒碗    時間: 2004-5-10 15:36:01

我唔like 佢wow
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-10 15:39:00

[quote:164ae1e105="rstfung"]請問有無人試過用Switch 駁可唔可以 :?:  如果可以就有兩個True IP  :em17:   用Router當然可以 但就只有1個IP :em16: !!![/quote]

就算和記adsl plan (一隻modem再出dhcp) 都可以用hubs.
作者: hales    時間: 2004-5-10 20:12:54

[quote:0352e93d70="rstfung"]請問有無人試過用Switch 駁可唔可以 :?:  如果可以就有兩個True IP  :em17:   用Router當然可以 但就只有1個IP :em16: !!![/quote]

1.將細房果個TEL/Boardband wallplate拆走
8. 夾幾條LAN線將細房wallplate上其它插位用條lan線駁去個switch/hubs

9.有兩將lan卡果部機install wingate/sygate之類既software router server
其它電腦就裝client  就搞掂了不過呢個方法既缺點係細房果部pc
一定要開著 其它host落去既client先可以上到網而所有機都係以同一個

另如果只係需要大細房上網(兩個data point) 既話 就switch/hubs都唔需要買
但工序一樣 不過細房PC果兩張LAN卡其中一張照樣咁駁去SIGNAL INCOMMING
果個插座位 但係另一張卡所用果條LAN線就要做o下手腳...
將RJ45頭果8條線芯 一邊頭正常咁夾另一邊頭就要將 1 同 4 號位互掉
2 同 6 號位互掉咁就唔駛買多個switch/hubs就可以兩部機直接lan埋一齊了

但當然用boardband router更好 router再加wireless lan更更更好
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-10 23:53:37


作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-11 00:03:02



1. ... 你指的router應該是指gateway吧
2. 20mm 管最多可以拉5條cat5線 (4 條比交鬆動)
3. 10/100Mbps = YES
    1000Mbps = No (因為用足4 pair)
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-11 00:29:16

作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 01:12:31

Buy a router like this. Only cost $260. It has FIREWALL protection built-in. Microsoft server is a joke.
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-11 01:22:45

yes you are right if you are using PCCW because they are using PPPoE for authentication which will only assign 1 ip address to you but we are now using Hutchison which just use DHCP to assign an ip address for us which means a router/gateway/server is not needed just use a hub or switch can work normally you will get a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation I have tested and introduced my friends to use this method for Hutchison in different building no matter ADSL or 10MB boardband are also works.

[quote:b6a1a2b24f="hales"][quote:b6a1a2b24f="rstfung"]請問有無人試過用Switch 駁可唔可以 :?:  如果可以就有兩個True IP  :em17:   用Router當然可以 但就只有1個IP :em16: !!![/quote]

1.將細房果個TEL/Boardband wallplate拆走
8. 夾幾條LAN線將細房wallplate上其它插位用條lan線駁去個switch/hubs

9.有兩將lan卡果部機install wingate/sygate之類既software router server
其它電腦就裝client  就搞掂了不過呢個方法既缺點係細房果部pc
一定要開著 其它host落去既client先可以上到網而所有機都係以同一個

另如果只係需要大細房上網(兩個data point) 既話 就switch/hubs都唔需要買
但工序一樣 不過細房PC果兩張LAN卡其中一張照樣咁駁去SIGNAL INCOMMING
果個插座位 但係另一張卡所用果條LAN線就要做o下手腳...
將RJ45頭果8條線芯 一邊頭正常咁夾另一邊頭就要將 1 同 4 號位互掉
2 同 6 號位互掉咁就唔駛買多個switch/hubs就可以兩部機直接lan埋一齊了

但當然用boardband router更好 router再加wireless lan更更更好[/quote]
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 01:45:59

Oh yes I forget we are using Hutchison boardband which is "FREE" for RC resident. The central server in RC may be free for us to use as many IP address as we like.

Normally in a pay cable boardband system the DHCP server is suppose assign only ONE IP address for each household. You want more one than one computer to use internet then you pay more for second IP address.

Our system may be free for us to use anythings (Hub Switch Router) that can plug in the cable. hehe
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 02:00:16

Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-11 02:08:44

yes for security issue I recommend zone alarm which is a free personal firewall which can protect you.

but actually i tried to share a files on this type of network within 1 home its not work... so I think Hutchison has block some traffic like boardcast or some port like windows file shareing..

[quote:a49ddbfa09="Rambler Villager"]Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:[/quote]
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-11 02:09:20

[quote:b6182d4785="Rambler Villager"]Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:[/quote]

HGC 的 10M 入屋通常都會有VLAN 即是Boardcast 單位和單位間是不能直通.
但是在Router以外的人 (e.g. RC 以外的地方) 反而可以 Access 任何 port. 所以一定要用FIREWALL (Software 或 Hardware).
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-11 02:19:06

yes I agree this method but instead of using connector which will disabled the port in the small room I suggest to use a RJ45 socket and parellel the cable so that we can use internet everywhere. I m not very sure this method is works any comments qualcomm  ??

[quote:301cc9b3f6="qualcomm"]因為所有Tel Cat 5都由細房開始Serial入來

i.e. 細房->(中房)->廳->主人房

我講多一次拆開細房Socket你會見到有四條芯(White OrangeOrangeWhite GreenGreen) (實入中房∕廳)冇駁千萬不要駁回到電話socket因電阻會太大.


1.先unplug電話Socket的(White OrangeOrangeWhite GreenGreen)芯線除了要用的Socket除外.
2.用一些Connector(SSP $0.2 per one買二十粒)將所有四條芯跟顏色駁上

然後你便省回$150 和時間loo...[/quote]
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-11 02:31:21

i c... VLAN...... but how to implement that ? I don't really understand how it works on our building.... use VLAN on each port of the switch then mirror all this VLAN port to a port that connect a router to route us to internet ?  :?:

[quote:8165733524="stephenyeong"][quote:8165733524="Rambler Villager"]Second problem:

If Hutchison will give a real ip address from DHCP for each workstation then using a hub off course can connect to boardband. Then our network within RC will be too simple sometimes naive. Hub is the most basic networking device. If there is one Hacker within our community then he can...  :em07:[/quote]

HGC 的 10M 入屋通常都會有VLAN 即是Boardcast 單位和單位間是不能直通.
但是在Router以外的人 (e.g. RC 以外的地方) 反而可以 Access 任何 port. 所以一定要用FIREWALL (Software 或 Hardware).[/quote]
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-11 08:22:00

[quote:e458848c3b="Arbee"]i c... VLAN...... but how to implement that ? I don't really understand how it works on our building.... use VLAN on each port of the switch then mirror all this VLAN port to a port that connect a router to route us to internet ?  :?:


所有和記大廈、HKBN 10M 等等用DHCP Assign IP 的都會用VLAN.
因為這些Case個Netmask通常會幾大 (in RC = 25bit).
電腦會把同的Subnet的124部電腦 (128 - 2 - 自己 - Router = 124) 當成Local Computer.

如果唔用VLAN,一開電腦上的Browse Network就會見到其他鄰居,可以Port Scan還有Access 無Set Security 的Network Share....

如果有VLAN,所有電腦只能見到Router,完全不知其他電腦存在,完全Access唔到其他電腦. 而Router 可以Access 所有電腦,回應outgoing request並傳遞所有incoming package.

不過VLAN有一個問題就是不能用ICQ 直接 Send File 給其他鄰居 (不過如果Router 無Block 到Inter Zone Routing 都有辦法)
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 09:27:30

Just call HGC Technical Support the officer said only ONE computer can connect to boardband. He refused to tell me how it works. He said you cannot use a hub or swtich to connect you home network to boardband.

He won't tell whether DHCP server in RC management office will assign more than ONE IP address for each household. He said it is cable method.

But cable already built in the other room's socket. The guy simply connect it for $150.
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 09:40:22

This method normally won't work. Because each computer must have a IP address in order to connect to internet (WAN). There are two computer in your home LAN and even you connect the cable. Only one can access the internet.. You need a router to connect the WAN port from outside and LAN port in your home network.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:19 am   文章主題:  
yes I agree this method but instead of using connector which will disabled the port in the small room I suggest to use a RJ45 socket and parellel the cable so that we can use internet everywhere. I m not very sure this method is works any comments qualcomm ??
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 11:54:31

Call HGC Tech Support second time the officer said DHCP server only allow 1 IP address because they will charge us monthly service fee after our "romotional" period end. The official rate is $195 per month per household  add second IP address for second computer is $98 third one is $49 fourth one is $25.

Anyone join other boardband services? It looks like the dark side has already destroy our democracy in RC.  :em01:
作者: Ha and Kui    時間: 2004-5-11 12:39:56

[quote:27bc444746="Rambler Villager"]they will charge us monthly service fee after our "romotional" period end. The official rate is $195 per month per household  [/quote]

When will "romotional" period end?  $195 per month is too expensive.   :em20:  :em20:  I use HGC currently and the monthly fee is just $158.
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-11 12:46:00

[quote:00127f1536="Rambler Villager"]Call HGC Tech Support second time the officer said DHCP server only allow 1 IP address because they will charge us monthly service fee after our "romotional" period end. The official rate is $195 per month per household  add second IP address for second computer is $98 third one is $49 fourth one is $25.

Anyone join other boardband services? It looks like the dark side has already destroy our democracy in RC.  :em01:[/quote]

promotional period ???? are you sure ??
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-11 12:49:24

[quote:86fda08792="Rambler Villager"]Call HGC Tech Support second time the officer said DHCP server only allow 1 IP address because they will charge us monthly service fee after our "romotional" period end. The official rate is $195 per month per household  add second IP address for second computer is $98 third one is $49 fourth one is $25.

Anyone join other boardband services? It looks like the dark side has already destroy our democracy in RC.  :em01:[/quote]

anyway I will try try and keep you guys post to share my experence.....
作者: hales    時間: 2004-5-11 14:56:50

唔知可唔可以要fix ip既呢.~"~
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-11 17:55:30

今日動工拉線啦...同D線玩遊戲(D線Q埋一舊 :em05: )


用左一個鐘頭先拉到第一條(生手 :em05: )

工程期間影左D相夜D POST 上黎
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 19:17:08

HGC confirm the answer is NO. RC boardband configuration is DHCP. The server will assign an random IP for you. No fixed IP address. For DHCP my experience is that you need to wait several seconds to several hours for server to release the IP address assign to your first computer. So that you can use another computer to connect the internet. Fixed IP address will off course let you do it instantly.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:56 pm   文章主題:  
唔知可唔可以要fix ip既呢.~"~

作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 19:22:23

How do you implement the Router in your design?

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 5:55 pm   文章主題:  

作者: kenykl    時間: 2004-5-11 21:11:55

[quote:84b31eb0ad="Rambler Villager"]HGC confirm the answer is NO. RC boardband configuration is DHCP. The server will assign an random IP for you. No fixed IP address. For DHCP my experience is that you need to wait several seconds to several hours for server to release the IP address assign to your first computer. So that you can use another computer to connect the internet. Fixed IP address will off course let you do it instantly.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:56 pm   文章主題:  
唔知可唔可以要fix ip既呢.~"~

What will happen if I install some sort of gateway directly with HGC's cable. Always online then the IP addres will not change? or it will disconnect us after 24 hours?

If so trouble and expensive I better use HKBN....$96 ja wor...
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-11 21:21:46

What will happen if I install some sort of gateway directly with HGC's cable. Always online then the IP addres will not change? or it will disconnect us after 24 hours?[/quote]

IP will not change unless HGC reset router.
There is a IP lease time on HGC router if your device / computer not renew the IP within lease time the IP will release.

If you fail to renew your IP but no other new device request IP you still have change to get your old IP.

If so trouble and expensive I better use HKBN....$96 ja wor...[/quote]

I think HKBN is more trouble.
Same LAN infrastructure (VLAN hubs) but HKBN upstream is very.. very small.

I have a friend work in HKBN before he say HKBN sometimes use PCCW 3M/640K Broadband as upstrem of a building.
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 21:42:41

As stephenyeong said you will use the same IP address and it will not disconnect until power off or malfunction.


What will happen if I install some sort of gateway directly with HGC's cable. Always online then the IP addres will not change? or it will disconnect us after 24 hours?

If so trouble and expensive I better use HKBN....$96 ja wor...

作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-11 21:54:39

"romotion" is what the HGC tech support tell me. Obviously they are not final in the maintenance of our network.

$160 is the discount rate if you sign a contract. Check out  http://www.hgcbroadband.com/

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 12:39 pm   文章主題:  

When will "romotional" period end? $195 per month is too expensive. I use HGC currently and the monthly fee is just $158.

作者: qualcomm    時間: 2004-5-11 23:26:28

[quote:83fb7617c7="hales"][quote:83fb7617c7="rstfung"]請問有無人試過用Switch 駁可唔可以 :?:  如果可以就有兩個True IP  :em17:   用Router當然可以 但就只有1個IP :em16: !!![/quote]

1.將細房果個TEL/Boardband wallplate拆走
8. 夾幾條LAN線將細房wallplate上其它插位用條lan線駁去個switch/hubs

9.有兩將lan卡果部機install wingate/sygate之類既software router server
其它電腦就裝client  就搞掂了不過呢個方法既缺點係細房果部pc
一定要開著 其它host落去既client先可以上到網而所有機都係以同一個

另如果只係需要大細房上網(兩個data point) 既話 就switch/hubs都唔需要買
但工序一樣 不過細房PC果兩張LAN卡其中一張照樣咁駁去SIGNAL INCOMMING
果個插座位 但係另一張卡所用果條LAN線就要做o下手腳...
將RJ45頭果8條線芯 一邊頭正常咁夾另一邊頭就要將 1 同 4 號位互掉
2 同 6 號位互掉咁就唔駛買多個switch/hubs就可以兩部機直接lan埋一齊了

但當然用boardband router更好 router再加wireless lan更更更好[/quote]


坦白講拉100M UTP線加頭不如加Socket做好過你若做小小裝修都包8個Socket啦人地用兩日幫我穿線!

但要慳錢同時間又要Share的話用一個Wireless Boardband Router就得!
作者: qualcomm    時間: 2004-5-11 23:39:03


遲D廳加Broadband Router利用拉了的UTP將主人房同大房連上Router.
兩間房用電腦廳用Laser Printer駁Router成Network Share Notebook用802.11g哈哈!

作者: Wing and Eva    時間: 2004-5-12 00:19:00

其實用wireless router 真係幾好架人工同埋d腦細胞都可以慳返唔小
一個router 二百幾蚊而個router同時又可以wire and wireless 同用即係個細房就 with wire save一個receiver 其他就用wireless(雖然receiver都好似要百多二百幾)但就好方便而且好secure我用左router之後個norton到宜家一隻virus都冇(可能detect唔到)以前就一日有5至10隻沖入黎.所以我新屋都會用wireless. 8) 不過如果係怕speed唔stable o既話買個quality高o既就會好d.3百幾4百到(我買o個時要成6百幾7百架 :em06: )
同埋我仲諗o下同樓上樓傾o下share如果真的要俾錢o既話 :em12:
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-12 00:32:52

出盡力將條拉線帶由細房"隊"到大房 :em05:
作者: kenykl    時間: 2004-5-12 00:36:44

use draw wire la... more easy ga... 再加上爽身粉....more smooth...
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-12 09:51:07


一條cat5 線有8芯一個socket只需用4芯就可以上網
1.用同一條cat5 線駁2個socket兼同時上網  又或者
2.用同一條cat5 線駁電話線同埋上網線
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-12 10:54:53


一條cat5 線有8芯一個socket只需用4芯就可以上網
1.用同一條cat5 線駁2個socket兼同時上網  又或者
2.用同一條cat5 線駁電話線同埋上網線

interference 應該不大.
作者: hales    時間: 2004-5-12 11:24:08

[quote:300a943770="Rambler Villager"]HGC confirm the answer is NO. RC boardband configuration is DHCP. The server will assign an random IP for you. No fixed IP address. For DHCP my experience is that you need to wait several seconds to several hours for server to release the IP address assign to your first computer. So that you can use another computer to connect the internet. Fixed IP address will off course let you do it instantly.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:56 pm   文章主題:  
唔知可唔可以要fix ip既呢.~"~

技術行DHCP都可以要個fix ip嘛.......~"~
問題只係HCG願唔願意收錢俾fix ip...~"~
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-5-13 00:23:40

[quote:a5299042ed="Wing&Eva"]其實用wireless router 真係幾好架人工同埋d腦細胞都可以慳返唔小
一個router 二百幾蚊而個router同時又可以wire and wireless 同用即係個細房就 with wire save一個receiver 其他就用wireless(雖然receiver都好似要百多二百幾)但就好方便而且好secure我用左router之後個norton到宜家一隻virus都冇(可能detect唔到)以前就一日有5至10隻沖入黎.所以我新屋都會用wireless. 8) 不過如果係怕speed唔stable o既話買個quality高o既就會好d.3百幾4百到(我買o個時要成6百幾7百架 :em06: )
同埋我仲諗o下同樓上樓傾o下share如果真的要俾錢o既話 :em12:[/quote]係咪買"linksys"果d呀???
作者: 草龍    時間: 2004-5-13 09:41:54


一條cat5 線有8芯一個socket只需用4芯就可以上網
1.用同一條cat5 線駁2個socket兼同時上網  又或者
2.用同一條cat5 線駁電話線同埋上網線

interference 應該不大.[/quote]

In the case of telephone line is ringing from on-hook nearly 100Vac shall pass through the line with high current which may interfere with 上網線.
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-13 09:55:51

作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-13 10:08:28

We elected you as Chairman of RC 林生 as Chief Manager. You ordered him to give you VIP treatment.  :em11:

[quote:21895fc440="hales"][quote:21895fc440="Rambler Villager"]HGC confirm the answer is NO. RC boardband configuration is DHCP. The server will assign an random IP for you. No fixed IP address. For DHCP my experience is that you need to wait several seconds to several hours for server to release the IP address assign to your first computer. So that you can use another computer to connect the internet. Fixed IP address will off course let you do it instantly.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:56 pm   文章主題:  
唔知可唔可以要fix ip既呢.~"~

技術行DHCP都可以要個fix ip嘛.......~"~
問題只係HCG願唔願意收錢俾fix ip...~"~[/quote]
作者: qualcomm    時間: 2004-5-13 11:47:07


一條cat5 線有8芯一個socket只需用4芯就可以上網
1.用同一條cat5 線駁2個socket兼同時上網  又或者
2.用同一條cat5 線駁電話線同埋上網線

1. Can't unless you bring one more UTP serial connection is not working on your question.
2. Interference is not too much on the blue telephone line since you just got 10M 100M is still ok but 1000M is impossible lor......

In my office HGC needed to use a new UTP to connect as new 100M line for backbone I also asked why not use the existing Leased line (just used Brown) instead they said it can't since the interference is too high.

He then used some equipment and show me if both lines are used I could hear the voice (voice = noise) from the UTP.
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-13 12:22:48

sorry don't be confuse there are 2 question.

q1. will hutchison assign more then one ip address ? you said the official answer is no. yes I agree I asked before and get the same answer but I tried at many building using Hutchison boardband its really can assign more then 1 ip address so that more then 1 pc can use internet without a router that's just an other way I 'm not refuse to use a boardband router but I got some bad experience in useing remote desktop and web cam before..

q2. that's just a cable issue. I m saying. 可以用一個 RJ45 socket 來張連到第2間room的cable用parellel的方式接上 咁做就唔駛disable左第一間room個network port.

[quote:deedb9db6a="Rambler Villager"]This method normally won't work. Because each computer must have a IP address in order to connect to internet (WAN). There are two computer in your home LAN and even you connect the cable. Only one can access the internet.. You need a router to connect the WAN port from outside and LAN port in your home network.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:19 am   文章主題:  
yes I agree this method but instead of using connector which will disabled the port in the small room I suggest to use a RJ45 socket and parellel the cable so that we can use internet everywhere. I m not very sure this method is works any comments qualcomm ??[/quote]
作者: qualcomm    時間: 2004-5-13 15:24:54

[quote:188190f542="H&H"][quote:188190f542="Wing&Eva"]其實用wireless router 真係幾好架人工同埋d腦細胞都可以慳返唔小
一個router 二百幾蚊而個router同時又可以wire and wireless 同用即係個細房就 with wire save一個receiver 其他就用wireless(雖然receiver都好似要百多二百幾)但就好方便而且好secure我用左router之後個norton到宜家一隻virus都冇(可能detect唔到)以前就一日有5至10隻沖入黎.所以我新屋都會用wireless. 8) 不過如果係怕speed唔stable o既話買個quality高o既就會好d.3百幾4百到(我買o個時要成6百幾7百架 :em06: )
同埋我仲諗o下同樓上樓傾o下share如果真的要俾錢o既話 :em12:[/quote]係咪買"linksys"果d呀???[/quote]

Depends on your budget
1. just share with wireless and computer sometimes - I suggest Linksys 802.11B router ($410-440)
2. with faster speed and more functions - Linksys 54G V2.0 - $670 ($620 V1.1)
3. with a lot of accessories like FTP WebCam Printer - ASUS 802.11G Wireless Gateway ($720-780)

You can buy others but never try Micro_et Plan_t (P_I) Gig_byte all of them are no good in function &/ stability.
作者: H and H    時間: 2004-5-13 15:58:21

[quote:30673ea988="qualcomm"][quote:30673ea988="H&H"][quote:30673ea988="Wing&Eva"]其實用wireless router 真係幾好架人工同埋d腦細胞都可以慳返唔小
一個router 二百幾蚊而個router同時又可以wire and wireless 同用即係個細房就 with wire save一個receiver 其他就用wireless(雖然receiver都好似要百多二百幾)但就好方便而且好secure我用左router之後個norton到宜家一隻virus都冇(可能detect唔到)以前就一日有5至10隻沖入黎.所以我新屋都會用wireless. 8) 不過如果係怕speed唔stable o既話買個quality高o既就會好d.3百幾4百到(我買o個時要成6百幾7百架 :em06: )
同埋我仲諗o下同樓上樓傾o下share如果真的要俾錢o既話 :em12:[/quote]係咪買"linksys"果d呀???[/quote]

Depends on your budget
1. just share with wireless and computer sometimes - I suggest Linksys 802.11B router ($410-440)
2. with faster speed and more functions - Linksys 54G V2.0 - $670 ($620 V1.1)
3. with a lot of accessories like FTP WebCam Printer - ASUS 802.11G Wireless Gateway ($720-780)

You can buy others but never try Micro_et Plan_t (P_I) Gig_byte all of them are no good in function &/ stability.[/quote]very clear thanks qualcomm!!!
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-13 17:21:01

Q1: HGC tech level maybe very so so. So we may able to get more than 1 IP address. Even they don't router only cost $2xx.

Q2: Your first socket and second socket both work right. But network cannot connect like this. Network cable must be direct between two computers if more than 2. Then you need a hub or switch or router. In case like this two computer both connect to the socket. The first one turn on will register with DHCP server. The second one will not connect. It is network conflict. Actually I am not 100% sure. Someone please help.

[quote:0abb136531="Arbee"]sorry don't be confuse there are 2 question.

q1. will hutchison assign more then one ip address ? you said the official answer is no. yes I agree I asked before and get the same answer but I tried at many building using Hutchison boardband its really can assign more then 1 ip address so that more then 1 pc can use internet without a router that's just an other way I 'm not refuse to use a boardband router but I got some bad experience in useing remote desktop and web cam before..

q2. that's just a cable issue. I m saying. 可以用一個 RJ45 socket 來張連到第2間room的cable用parellel的方式接上 咁做就唔駛disable左第一間room個network port.

[quote:0abb136531="Rambler Villager"]This method normally won't work. Because each computer must have a IP address in order to connect to internet (WAN). There are two computer in your home LAN and even you connect the cable. Only one can access the internet.. You need a router to connect the WAN port from outside and LAN port in your home network.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:19 am   文章主題:  
yes I agree this method but instead of using connector which will disabled the port in the small room I suggest to use a RJ45 socket and parellel the cable so that we can use internet everywhere. I m not very sure this method is works any comments qualcomm ??[/quote][/quote]
作者: liuh    時間: 2004-5-13 17:49:10

[quote:dde68ce627="Rambler Villager"]Q1: HGC tech level maybe very so so. So we may able to get more than 1 IP address. Even they don't router only cost $2xx.

-> HGC can easily control number of MAC address allowed from one switch port. So you may definely can have one IP address coming from either DHCP or FIX. Connecting more machine you need a Broadband Router to NAT you connections. For HK$200~300 you can have Broadband router support 4 machines with simple firewall feature built in. But make sure you upgrade your firmware to latest for your Broadband router. So just a Broadband router you can have multiple PC connecting to Internet regardless of setting for your ISP. It's much better have a firewall to protect your PC from Internet attack. Direct connected PC to Internet is even wrose than not to connect at all.

Q2: Your first socket and second socket both work right. But network cannot connect like this. Network cable must be direct between two computers if more than 2. Then you need a hub or switch or router. In case like this two computer both connect to the socket. The first one turn on will register with DHCP server. The second one will not connect. It is network conflict. Actually I am not 100% sure. Someone please help.

--> Right you can't connect two machine to same switch port. It doesn't work. Again HGC's switch port will connect to your broadband router and your broadband router provides more port for you internal PC. You need to have individual cable to connect each of PC to separated ports on Broadband Router.

Hope it can help.


[quote:dde68ce627="Arbee"]sorry don't be confuse there are 2 question.

q1. will hutchison assign more then one ip address ? you said the official answer is no. yes I agree I asked before and get the same answer but I tried at many building using Hutchison boardband its really can assign more then 1 ip address so that more then 1 pc can use internet without a router that's just an other way I 'm not refuse to use a boardband router but I got some bad experience in useing remote desktop and web cam before..

q2. that's just a cable issue. I m saying. 可以用一個 RJ45 socket 來張連到第2間room的cable用parellel的方式接上 咁做就唔駛disable左第一間room個network port.

[quote:dde68ce627="Rambler Villager"]This method normally won't work. Because each computer must have a IP address in order to connect to internet (WAN). There are two computer in your home LAN and even you connect the cable. Only one can access the internet.. You need a router to connect the WAN port from outside and LAN port in your home network.

發表於: 星期二 五月 11 2004 2:19 am   文章主題:  
yes I agree this method but instead of using connector which will disabled the port in the small room I suggest to use a RJ45 socket and parellel the cable so that we can use internet everywhere. I m not very sure this method is works any comments qualcomm ??[/quote][/quote][/quote]
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-13 18:27:15

Q1. forget it don't want to discuss anymore its simple just plug in two computer by a hub/switch you will got the answer. yes boardband router is cheap really cheap. I m not refuse to use this hub is just another method can be used to assign you more then 1 real ip listen real ip in most of the Hutchison boardband at leaset 5 of my friends are using this method (included ADSL and ethernet you know boardband router is not so common in few years before)....

Q2. Yes right I'm not saying use this 2 port in the same time... just don't want to disable it just in case you are using a laptop you can plug and use internet everyware without wireless........then you may say wireless is cheap..xyz yes its cheap just another method too.......
作者: liuh    時間: 2004-5-13 19:43:48

[quote:d32d1575c4="Arbee"]Q1. forget it don't want to discuss anymore its simple just plug in two computer by a hub/switch you will got the answer. yes boardband router is cheap really cheap. I m not refuse to use this hub is just another method can be used to assign you more then 1 real ip listen real ip in most of the Hutchison boardband at leaset 5 of my friends are using this method (included ADSL and ethernet you know boardband router is not so common in few years before)....

--> OK understand your question better. It's a workable solution to have hub and with multiple machines only if
a.  HGC supports multiple IP either DHCP or fixed (as you have described)
b. Two machines should be close by the Hub. If you want thoese two machines locate in different room you need to lay the cable again.

Q2. Yes right I'm not saying use this 2 port in the same time... just don't want to disable it just in case you are using a laptop you can plug and use internet everyware without wireless........then you may say wireless is cheap..xyz yes its cheap just another method too......

--> Yes you can T-off  your RJ45 connection but can't have two machines active  at same time. Glad to see someone here doesn't like the wireless at all. Tell you the truth I can easily get into other's wireless broadband router in same building. In fact I really don't need my own Internet connection at all. That's why I won't suggest wireless unless you know how to secure it.

Anyway... Relax I just want to help here. And good luck for your mini-network.


作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-13 20:31:53

D 線咁駁唔知work 唔work?
作者: liuh    時間: 2004-5-13 20:38:08

[quote:739ea5c112="smallpotato"]D 線咁駁唔知work 唔work?[/quote]

If the Cat5 cable is not too long it might work but the interference between two connetions might be high.  So the error rate might be high. Longer the cable higher the error rate. Still you can try.

作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-13 21:14:30

其實cat5 Cable 點解有4 pair 原因是預留將來upgrade 用 (還有以前出過隻100Base-T4) 基本上用兩pair都ok.
如果你用cat5e 就更加不怕有問題.

1. Cat5e sure 行到125MHz 但100Base-T 只用100MHz
2. 現在的Gigabit Ethernet 是用足4pair 行125MHz 都無事. 你用4pair 行兩個100Base-T 一定無事.
3. 只是20米到30米的短距離.... Gigabit 行100米都無事....
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-14 00:05:57

唔work. Below is the difference between hub switch router.

[quote:c5030d0b4f="smallpotato"]D 線咁駁唔知work 唔work?[/quote]
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-14 00:49:56

又唔work ??  應該 work 嫁 bor....又係HGC tech support 教你嫁.... ??

你睇清楚d喎.....咩 diff between router switch  hub 呀... ??

當然 如果你話有干擾就另作別論啦.......不過咁短 都唔會有咩問題 有時係公司 冇辦法既情況下都冇計 都要咁做 10米我都試過得 咁短 ok 既....我覺得就算真係有干擾都唔值得為左一兩個packet lost而拉cable... home network 都係用黎上吓網 開心下姐....
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-14 01:00:34


Sorry Rambler Villager 我唔係好明你的解釋可唔可以講得詳細小小
hub switch 同 router 同駁線work唔work有關係?
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-14 01:06:31

我都覺 真係幾混亂呀......   :wink:
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-14 01:18:26


Sorry Rambler Villager 我唔係好明你的解釋可唔可以講得詳細小小
hub switch 同 router 同駁線work唔work有關係?


還有,市面下一向有network 1 開 2 的product 今日在Network Computing見到這廣告.
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-14 01:33:58

係呀...其實都冇話咩方法最好 咩方法最差既 都係想 share 下心得姐....最緊要都係岩自己同想做d咩姐(靜上網定起server).....

你手頭上有隻 router 唔通仲買隻 hub 咩...  hub 賣$200 router 又賣$200 唔通又仲買隻 hub 咩 boardband router 有幾個 port 一樣做到 hub 既 function....問題係你想要real ip 定要nat 姐..
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-14 07:38:08

Oh I see. Yes It works. I look closely now.
作者: 草龍    時間: 2004-5-14 09:40:58

如果我用wireless router再連接兩部PC thru wireless OK ma?
作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-14 10:40:07

ok 嫁... wireless router by default 會enable 左DHCP 既function assign 假ip 俾你 connect 住隻 wireless router 既所有 pc (當然 你部pc要set assign ip address automatically and well configured the wireless lan card) 再用 NAT 既方法張你果兩部 PC 個假 ip 用port translate 做真 ip 出街. 而你隻 router assign 俾你既 ip 都會係同一個 subnet 又唔會 block 你任何 traffic 所以係可以 PC connect PC 嫁.....
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-14 10:41:02

Sorry Arbee. It works. Your graphic too simple I misunderstand.

[quote:37c6867d81="Arbee"]又唔work ??  應該 work 嫁 bor....又係HGC tech support 教你嫁.... ??

你睇清楚d喎.....咩 diff between router switch  hub 呀... ??

當然 如果你話有干擾就另作別論啦.......不過咁短 都唔會有咩問題 有時係公司 冇辦法既情況下都冇計 都要咁做 10米我都試過得 咁短 ok 既....我覺得就算真係有干擾都唔值得為左一兩個packet lost而拉cable... home network 都係用黎上吓網 開心下姐....[/quote]

OK  最新款但好昂貴 最小$1000起.

[quote:37c6867d81="草龍"]如果我用wireless router再連接兩部PC thru wireless OK ma?[/quote]
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-14 10:42:14

[quote:161f80c09b="草龍"]如果我用wireless router再連接兩部PC thru wireless OK ma?[/quote]

作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-14 11:25:43

...... 喂.... 不如...你真係睇清楚先啦..... 你知唔知邊個問嫁.....  :?:  :?:  :?:


最新款...   :em03:  ...... :wink:

[quote:4b4370c7a0="Rambler Villager"]Sorry Arbee. It works. Your graphic too simple I misunderstand.

[quote:4b4370c7a0="Arbee"]又唔work ??  應該 work 嫁 bor....又係HGC tech support 教你嫁.... ??

你睇清楚d喎.....咩 diff between router switch  hub 呀... ??

當然 如果你話有干擾就另作別論啦.......不過咁短 都唔會有咩問題 有時係公司 冇辦法既情況下都冇計 都要咁做 10米我都試過得 咁短 ok 既....我覺得就算真係有干擾都唔值得為左一兩個packet lost而拉cable... home network 都係用黎上吓網 開心下姐....[/quote]

OK  最新款但好昂貴 最小$1000起.

[quote:4b4370c7a0="草龍"]如果我用wireless router再連接兩部PC thru wireless OK ma?[/quote][/quote]
作者: qualcomm    時間: 2004-5-14 16:25:37


you diagram should work the only thing that is not working maybe the telephone plate since you need to trace the cable well before you work on that thing.
作者: 草龍    時間: 2004-5-14 22:46:22

作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-14 23:36:09

咁你試唔試到pc connect pc 呀? 只要張兩個 windows set 同做一個 workgroup 再check 下有冇 install 到 client for microsoft network 同 file and printer shareing for MS network 之後就可以試下 share 一個 folder 睇下 network neighborhood 見唔見到第二部 pc 同用唔用到個 share folder 咁就得喇 ~
作者: 草龍    時間: 2004-5-14 23:40:59

[quote:bb9a7e3b39="Arbee"]咁你試唔試到pc connect pc 呀? 只要張兩個 windows set 同做一個 workgroup 再check 下有冇 install 到 client for microsoft network 同 file and printer shareing for MS network 之後就可以試下 share 一個 folder 睇下 network neighborhood 見唔見到第二部 pc 同用唔用到個 share folder 咁就得喇 ~[/quote]

作者: liuh    時間: 2004-5-15 00:40:36

[quote:1517fab14f="CJ"]as long as if we accept to use Powerline there is third solution... powerline network
e.g. http://www.gnl.com.hk/

cat5 > 11g > powerline network >11b

for internet access seems ok. Otherwise unless you are playing CS at home lan...[/quote]

Thanks for your information CJ.

I brought two PlugLink (PL9640-ETH) with Ethernet RJ 45 interfaces. It works pretty well for me. The latency is around 2ms and stable all the time. I think the one with wireless interface is not stable. I play Rainbow six without probelm through that.

The detail connection is

HGC Broadband Ethernet --> Broadband router --> PL9640-ETH --> Home power line --> PL9640-ETH --> PC

You can add more PL9640-ETH for more PC attach to Broadband router.

The price for a pair of PL9640-ETH is around HK$1200. Pretty expensive but work well.

作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-15 11:46:26

Actually no need to apply just plug in a common RJ45 cable then it will works.

[quote:7d6ef60bd9="草龍"][quote:7d6ef60bd9="Arbee"]咁你試唔試到pc connect pc 呀? 只要張兩個 windows set 同做一個 workgroup 再check 下有冇 install 到 client for microsoft network 同 file and printer shareing for MS network 之後就可以試下 share 一個 folder 睇下 network neighborhood 見唔見到第二部 pc 同用唔用到個 share folder 咁就得喇 ~[/quote]

作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2004-5-15 14:49:02

[quote:74ddb11b84="草龍"][quote:74ddb11b84="Arbee"]咁你試唔試到pc connect pc 呀? 只要張兩個 windows set 同做一個 workgroup 再check 下有冇 install 到 client for microsoft network 同 file and printer shareing for MS network 之後就可以試下 share 一個 folder 睇下 network neighborhood 見唔見到第二部 pc 同用唔用到個 share folder 咁就得喇 ~[/quote]


你想要HGC個e-mail 才要交form.
作者: smallpotato    時間: 2004-5-15 18:53:07

岩岩攪惦晒喇...而家全屋插座都可以上網啦... :em19:
作者: 草龍    時間: 2004-5-15 22:22:04

[quote:c4af63de44="Arbee"]咁你試唔試到pc connect pc 呀? 只要張兩個 windows set 同做一個 workgroup 再check 下有冇 install 到 client for microsoft network 同 file and printer shareing for MS network 之後就可以試下 share 一個 folder 睇下 network neighborhood 見唔見到第二部 pc 同用唔用到個 share folder 咁就得喇 ~[/quote]

作者: Arbee    時間: 2004-5-16 08:09:09

試左喇 ~~ I can get more then one real ip address in Rambler Crest by Connect two PC and the boardband througt a Switch.
作者: RamblerVillager    時間: 2004-5-16 17:32:17

HGC d tech好二流.  我推測將來都可以有2+ IP address.  他們正懶人. Waste our time waste my call.  :em13:

[quote:ee70129cfa="Arbee"]試左喇 ~~ I can get more then one real ip address in Rambler Crest by Connect two PC and the boardband througt a Switch.[/quote]

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