once upon a time there was a promotion from this branded trendy furniture/household shop (Japanese? but I also saw in Taiwan).
I think its like MUJI and there was some discount on selected items. But seems quite expensive after discount! Man you are rich!作者: june and Fai 時間: 2004-4-28 20:50:20
是否悅庭居傢俬店(fancy design) 土瓜灣作者: CJ 時間: 2004-4-28 21:06:17
no! It is Japanese shop!
www.francfranc.com作者: june and Fai 時間: 2004-4-28 21:17:48
Oh! ic..
Branch at Causeway bay.all item so expensive with other shop..(MUJI)作者: Qoo 時間: 2004-4-28 21:55:07 標題: Re: 有0人用franc franc?
[quote:7602e50006="CJ"]I think its like MUJI and there was some discount on selected items. But seems quite expensive after discount! Man you are rich![/quote]
quote from http://www.ramblercrest.com/news/news28.html
和記黃埔地產有限公司與長江實業(集團)有限公司策劃發展之青衣藍澄灣,一直為買家費盡心思,除多項獨家優惠及優越服務外,現更與標榜東京生活新概念之日本家居店Franc franc合作推出全港獨有「Franc franc @藍澄灣」業主優惠計劃。