
標題: 唔識洗衣.... [打印本頁]

作者: wychan    時間: 2004-4-24 00:40:31     標題: 唔識洗衣....

今日試下洗衣.... 嘩.. 洗一條毛巾足足洗左3小時.... 仲唔係完全乾的.... 怪唔知呀媽洗衣咁辛苦...

作者: Cal and Cel    時間: 2004-4-24 10:26:17

For your Reference:



作者: angel    時間: 2004-4-24 19:59:34

但係我已經照住之前方法做,部洗衣機仍然無反應呀,點算呢,請問有無人幫幫我呀! :em06:
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-24 20:16:02

[quote:26fcd12b69="angel"]但係我已經照住之前方法做,部洗衣機仍然無反應呀,點算呢,請問有無人幫幫我呀! :em06:[/quote]

我上個week 都唔得呀 我咪mark down 叫佢地跟.
ar . 今日一開就ok wor
作者: Simon Michelle    時間: 2004-4-24 21:28:37

[quote:b8e10cd6ef="angel"]但係我已經照住之前方法做,部洗衣機仍然無反應呀,點算呢,請問有無人幫幫我呀! :em06:[/quote]

作者: Y and T    時間: 2004-4-25 01:41:28     標題: Re: 唔識洗衣....

[quote:82bac13c67="wychan"]今日試下洗衣.... 嘩.. 洗一條毛巾足足洗左3小時.... 仲唔係完全乾的.... 怪唔知呀媽洗衣咁辛苦...


聽人講, 乾衣機不會全乾, 只會唔太濕.
作者: Ha and Kui    時間: 2004-4-26 23:01:18

[quote:b6dedd033a="angel"]但係我已經照住之前方法做,部洗衣機仍然無反應呀,點算呢,請問有無人幫幫我呀! :em06:[/quote]

Me too.  I pressed power button but no light no response.   :?:  Marked as defect... hope they will fix it.
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-26 23:59:19

不過我唔識乾衣呀 :cry: 睇說明書搵極都唔見 又講得唔清唔楚喎!
作者: lamlam    時間: 2004-4-27 00:21:47

不過我唔識乾衣呀 :cry: 睇說明書搵極都唔見 又講得唔清唔楚喎![/quote]

如要乾衣時 就等洗完衫停左機後 再響中間果個圓形製選所需乾衣時間 然後再按呢個標誌的button=> 1/2 就得啦.
作者: diedsee    時間: 2004-4-27 00:24:33

1/2 <--- 唔係指洗半機衫ar??
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-27 00:26:25

唔該晒 原來係0禁 又要等執漏完先可以上去再試!!

(哈!!你地點樣試微波爐0架??我今日買左點心拼盤上去試叮 :em09: )
作者: Amy Poon    時間: 2004-4-27 00:30:04

So strange that I run the washing machine today and hear a special noise during the drying program (the noise is not due to the spinning) .... Don't know why. I drop it on the defect list.
作者: 27a    時間: 2004-4-27 00:34:28

幣,我地冇自己試個洗衣機,詹先驗完樓後,見到個洗衣機內籠濕咗,諗住係佢地試咗無問題,請問有搵詹生驗樓嘅街坊,知唔知佢有冇驗個洗衣機去水位及功能呀? :?: 如果無,都唔知可唔可以係執漏時上去試呢? :em18:
作者: Amy Poon    時間: 2004-4-27 00:47:29

[quote:88f6d1b5bd="27a"]幣,我地冇自己試個洗衣機,詹先驗完樓後,見到個洗衣機內籠濕咗,諗住係佢地試咗無問題,請問有搵詹生驗樓嘅街坊,知唔知佢有冇驗個洗衣機去水位及功能呀? :?: 如果無,都唔知可唔可以係執漏時上去試呢? :em18:[/quote]

Mr Jim had checked this for me but I cannot show the noise to him (due to not enough time) but he also drop it as one defect.
作者: lamlam    時間: 2004-4-27 10:26:50

[quote:ba4ba3580d="diedsee"]1/2 <--- 唔係指洗半機衫ar??[/quote]

如果洗衣同時按呢個制 =>1/2 就即是洗半機衫.
如果洗衣同乾衣分開做 就洗完才按 當然還要選埋乾衣時間啦.
因為乾衣唔可以放太多衫. 通常半機衫.
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-4-27 10:29:18

I also heard the noise when spinning. I found a small metal plate in the washer!

according to the shape it seems to be the sticking plate for the magnet on the washing machine. By the way I found nothing on the door to adhere the magnet. Is it normal?

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