
標題: 請問有冇人識用個洗衣機?!! [打印本頁]

作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-22 12:07:45     標題: 請問有冇人識用個洗衣機?!!

我開左佢 and 水 點解佢冇反應 ?!!!
作者: Cal and Cel    時間: 2004-4-22 12:16:39     標題: Re: 請問有冇人識用個洗衣機?!!

[quote:5cf22c3682="Stephen@RC"]我開左佢 and 水 點解佢冇反應 ?!!![/quote]

哈哈... 我都唔識用 不過去咗問豐x啦 佢話:
1. program button - turn to 3 or 4
2. 30 C
3. press start (the green light will be on)
4. it will be finished in around 1 1/2 hours
5. then the program button - will be pointed to 5 ("sun")

i've try already it's work!! hope can help u la!!!


作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-22 12:22:26     標題: Re: 請問有冇人識用個洗衣機?!!

[quote:ecaa36af79="Cal & Cel"][quote:ecaa36af79="Stephen@RC"]我開左佢 and 水 點解佢冇反應 ?!!![/quote]

哈哈... 我都唔識用 不過去咗問豐x啦 佢話:
1. program button - turn to 3 or 4
2. 30 C
3. press start (the green light will be on)
4. it will be finished in around 1 1/2 hours
5. then the program button - will be pointed to 5 ("sun")

i've try already it's work!! hope can help u la!!!


haha really 唔講唔知  :!: . thanks  
作者: hales    時間: 2004-4-22 16:56:16

(嗯..我自己只係簡單check o的去水渠來水喉有冇灟水咋

如果只係簡單check既話 先打開個水喉
然後洗衣機上最右邊果個扭掣扭去 1 字
然後按鍵開機 等佢run幾o下fill左水後
就power off左佢再將同一個扭鍵扭去
3 字之前一個細格 (即係2字果段既最後一格)
再power on 一次等佢run佢好快就會run到去
作者: Stephen@RC    時間: 2004-4-22 17:17:37

(嗯..我自己只係簡單check o的去水渠來水喉有冇灟水咋

如果只係簡單check既話 先打開個水喉
然後洗衣機上最右邊果個扭掣扭去 1 字
然後按鍵開機 等佢run幾o下fill左水後
就power off左佢再將同一個扭鍵扭去
3 字之前一個細格 (即係2字果段既最後一格)
再power on 一次等佢run佢好快就會run到去

i will check it out . thanks hales
作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-4-22 18:09:55

作者: ye    時間: 2004-4-22 23:06:45

I still cannot turn it on. Why??
作者: John and Esther    時間: 2004-4-22 23:31:45

There has a timer for dry the cloth. Anyone know how to use this timer?
作者: dracula    時間: 2004-4-22 23:47:00

我想搵個收買佬賣o左個洗衣機 因為都唔會洗衫....又無地方 "浪" 衫..... 用個洗衣機位用o黎做個柜好過....
作者: lamlam    時間: 2004-4-22 23:51:59

[quote:5c1249023d="John & Esther"]There has a timer for dry the cloth. Anyone know how to use this timer?[/quote]

當完成洗衣程序時 你可選擇乾衣時間 如要乾80分鐘就鈕到80'
如要乾60分鐘就鈕到60'(順時針方向)最後按呢個button => 1/2.

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