我都問過花園街其中一間都好大的但forget左 shop name佢個package $1480/1680(not sure)只係包最basic o既布料同路鬼(兩塊窗簾左右開)但我細房要做羅馬簾廳又要加多一層紗和一個簾頭計下計下佢就話要$3000。so我都係會到深圳做了雖然我未去過睇款但我諗唔會少過hk的。我老公在china工作always經過深圳我諗的會叫佢去做了。作者: m and e 時間: 2004-4-20 20:19:20
我想問大陸窗簾城係邊呀?作者: CJ 時間: 2004-4-20 20:28:59
if you have 裝修師傅 you may ask him作者: 45B 時間: 2004-4-20 21:43:08
if you have 裝修師傅 you may ask him
yes i have asked too作者: Alvin and Janis 時間: 2004-4-20 21:56:12
如果在深圳做大約要幾多錢呢?/作者: 45B 時間: 2004-4-20 22:42:33
平hk一半if hk $3000 then china around $1500作者: Jess and Burns 時間: 2004-4-20 22:46:30
今日問個裝修師傅 佢話全屋凈買路鬼同裝要好$600
咁即係平or貴?作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2004-4-27 13:37:36
I went to few curtain shops in 茘枝角 and quote the price of all the window curtain for my flat 957". And the price varies about 20%.
First 便利's price around h.k. 3900
Second 實惠 charged me around h.k. 2900 but the quality of the cloth is a bit poor and not much choice.
Third 築屋 cost only h.k. 3500.
I will continue to quote the price from different shops around h.k. and update her for all of your reference la.作者: FireFire 時間: 2004-4-27 16:19:08
隔光布一褔要加$100架. 我問左啦.作者: H and H 時間: 2004-5-8 00:47:42
:em11: 2小時有得拿 :em11: .在hk單面都要$3000(不包隔光布) :em03:
還要3-7日方可有貨[/quote]好抵下喎 可唔可以話比我知地址向邊呀!作者: tony and carmen 時間: 2004-5-8 21:06:20
我同H&H一樣喺大陸整價錢一樣同樣是羅馬廉連隔光布$1200。香港好多地方格價起碼$3000唔包膈光布(大陸手工幾好)羅湖城新貴族作者: Alvin and Janis 時間: 2004-5-8 21:17:25
咁你們自己識裝呀??作者: Simon Michelle 時間: 2004-5-8 23:54:38
手工如何多唔多布款揀呀?作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2004-5-10 00:47:16
I went to the curtain shop at Blk 6 35/f the price they offer me is the most expensive compare w/ the curtain shop i have visited before..so u guys better check more curtain shop la...作者: Oscar_ho 時間: 2004-5-11 00:53:56