I'm in Room F......
Please give me the quotation of 布及紗料..........
已pm給你.thx!!作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2004-4-27 02:10:12
Hi...i'm from Blk 6 43E
I would like to quote the price of the following orders.
1. master room 61.5"x59" by 竹捲簾
2. living room 117" x 70" by 羅馬簾(深橙色厤質)
3. guest room I 81.5"x 59" by 羅馬簾
4. guest room II 59"*59" by 捲簾(全不透光)
20"x59" by 捲簾(全不透光)
pls PM me for the quotation la..thanks.
actually i have jot down the model number of the kind of clothes i want. I wonder if it helps u for the quotation as well..
1. for the master room isbamboo w016-013
2. living room is KTH761-5082
3. guest room I is KTH761-4082作者: Alvin and Janis 時間: 2004-4-27 23:00:45
1) 請問全屋做晒羅馬簾要幾錢+ 簾zR?
2) 全屋做晒捲簾要幾錢?
Please quote separately because I have not yet decided to choose option 1 or 2.作者: 窗簾居士 時間: 2004-5-12 00:22:21
已pm了thx!!作者: 草龍 時間: 2004-5-12 09:34:28
Sorry! I accidentally deleted the email would you mind sending to me again?