
標題: 請問有沒人知收完數幾多日要交CHECK LIST!!! [打印本頁]

作者: calvin and mei    時間: 2004-4-8 02:56:22     標題: 請問有沒人知收完數幾多日要交CHECK LIST!!!

作者: saga    時間: 2004-4-8 03:03:43     標題: Re: 請問有沒人知收完數幾多日要交CHECK LIST!!!

[quote:78485f04f2="calvin&mei"]THANK YOU 解答!!! [/quote]

三日  8)
作者: calvin and mei    時間: 2004-4-8 03:28:33

過期得唔得???? 8)
作者: Kiliyan    時間: 2004-4-8 10:16:29     標題: Re: 請問有沒人知收完數幾多日要交CHECK LIST!!!

[quote:fbc979dfe5="saga"][quote:fbc979dfe5="calvin&mei"]THANK YOU 解答!!! [/quote]

三日  8)[/quote]

咁張check list 係我地自己預備 定係佢地provide架??如果係我地預備既話 咁咪各人既check list 格式都唔同囉?
作者: chris    時間: 2004-4-8 13:26:10     標題: Re: 請問有沒人知收完數幾多日要交CHECK LIST!!!

[quote:ae4107c691="Kiliyan"][quote:ae4107c691="saga"][quote:ae4107c691="calvin&mei"]THANK YOU 解答!!! [/quote]

三日  8)[/quote]

咁張check list 係我地自己預備 定係佢地provide架??如果係我地預備既話 咁咪各人既check list 格式都唔同囉?[/quote]

佢地provide埋checklist架 :roll: 一式三份
作者: J and G    時間: 2004-4-8 13:41:13

no deadline provided ideally 3 days labours can repair defects for different units together in efficient way.
after repairing we have the right to check and send defect list again until all things in good or acceptable conditions or until 6 months after sign the letter from lawyer firm.
作者: Maggie Johny    時間: 2004-4-8 23:42:37

[quote:0db63ad51f="J&G"]no deadline provided ideally 3 days labours can repair defects for different units together in efficient way.
after repairing we have the right to check and send defect list again until all things in good or acceptable conditions or until 6 months after sign the letter from lawyer firm.[/quote]

Do we have to sign the confirmation letter after the defect at Lawyer firm? or just counter-sign on the defect list provided by developer?
作者: J and G    時間: 2004-4-10 00:28:24

[quote:c1b652313e="Maggie&Johny"][quote:c1b652313e="J&G"]no deadline provided ideally 3 days labours can repair defects for different units together in efficient way.
after repairing we have the right to check and send defect list again until all things in good or acceptable conditions or until 6 months after sign the letter from lawyer firm.[/quote]

Do we have to sign the confirmation letter after the defect at Lawyer firm? or just counter-sign on the defect list provided by developer?[/quote]

6 months started count from the date of signing the 收樓 letter i don't think we have to sign extra letter for defect...

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