
標題: 酒店走廊 [打印本頁]

作者: Maggie Johny    時間: 2004-4-5 01:27:44     標題: 酒店走廊

Just taken from my flat ^_^
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-5 01:35:19

作者: Maggie Johny    時間: 2004-4-5 01:53:06


係呀 尋日上律司樓 今日收匙 仲已經搵埋詹生驗樓 一氣呵成 所以成日未停過.... 之但係真係好開心             
作者: Tomato    時間: 2004-4-5 01:58:43

你就好啦!都唔知幾時輪到我!! :x
作者: CJ    時間: 2004-4-5 01:59:22

Seems still a lot of outstanding interior and external works. We may not use the swimming pool till they finish la...
btw did the Mgt office mentioned when to use the facilities?? You know we did paying full mgt fees in this period...
作者: P女    時間: 2004-4-5 02:00:37


係呀 尋日上律司樓 今日收匙 仲已經搵埋詹生驗樓 一氣呵成 所以成日未停過.... 之但係真係好開心             [/quote]

作者: Maggie Johny    時間: 2004-4-5 02:02:48

[quote:be92f689f9="CJ"]Seems still a lot of outstanding interior and external works. We may not use the swimming pool till they finish la...
btw did the Mgt office mentioned when to use the facilities?? You know we did paying full mgt fees in this period...[/quote]

The staff from Mgt office said that some of the facilities could be started on June but i haven't asked him for further detail.  :wink:
作者: Nest    時間: 2004-4-5 11:35:00

少過2個鐘. 層樓問題唔大 但詹生驗得好仔細 要執都唔少 都係小問題.
詹生話層樓質素唔差 好過一般長實樓.
個人來說 好滿意.  (因為好多住長實樓的朋友 都話長實樓 ma ma.)

作者: GM386    時間: 2004-4-5 11:41:54

少過2個鐘. 層樓問題唔大 但詹生驗得好仔細 要執都唔少 都係小問題.
詹生話層樓質素唔差 好過一般長實樓.
個人來說 好滿意.  (因為好多住長實樓的朋友 都話長實樓 ma ma.)

Nest [/quote]
我都是約了詹生在星期六驗樓 是否有很多問題???
作者: Nest    時間: 2004-4-5 12:12:34


層樓小問題有84項(E單位) 主要是浴室的浴缸有隙 耍填補. 同埋浴室同廚房的地磚花了 要換.
有關浴缸有隙 我認為樓上樓下業主要合作 共同處理好問題 否則日後會滲水.  但係唔知點可以認識樓上同樓下既業主?  :?:
作者: Ha and Kui    時間: 2004-4-5 12:19:06

詹生話層樓質素唔差 好過一般長實樓.

Thanks.  Really a good news!!    
作者: Y and T    時間: 2004-4-6 00:53:12

yes Mr Yam said RC's quality is better than many other sites too.  Those problems found are not big problems.
作者: 小yen    時間: 2004-4-6 23:33:40


層樓小問題有84項(E單位) 主要是浴室的浴缸有隙 耍填補. 同埋浴室同廚房的地磚花了 要換.
有關浴缸有隙 我認為樓上樓下業主要合作 共同處理好問題 否則日後會滲水.  但係唔知點可以認識樓上同樓下既業主?  :?:[/quote]

唔好怪小妹愚昧i think直接了當 "直踩上去/落樓下"law跟住清楚噤話俾佢知個原因噤大家合唔合作/1唔1齊處理個問題傾先law唔想亦唔好迫 (因為就算迫倒都未必係件好事 :roll: ) 同埋最好就係大家可以合作唔好toilet直接倒太多/成日倒水落水面 (頭先睇完另1邊 "有線link"亞詹生話事計唔好成日倒水就算幾好樓噤倒水法都會攪到樓下天花出事 & 自己個浴缸底又儲大量水!" :em05:  :em16: 當然就係 "大家多多合作 & 為自己和他人著想la 噤自己住得安心之餘大家又開開心心呀嘛 :mrgreen:  ops: "

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