RC真係貴過人地喎 !作者: Jess and Burns 時間: 2004-11-16 14:20:10
係呀.. 因為我地要重要比會費.作者: Billy 時間: 2004-11-16 14:52:49
[quote:b91fceba02="SEVEN"]RC真係貴過人地喎 ![/quote]
睇你鍾意玩咩啫.作者: Little Alice 時間: 2004-11-17 23:37:45
I agree with Billy ar : I also think that our club fee it rather reasonable ....
as $150 per month for maximum four persons that means $37 per person per month ...........and you can go to the gym and stream room as much as you can woo.............. of course if the fee for swimming pool is cheaper will be better la.......... 作者: candidfoto 時間: 2004-11-18 08:16:28
If I pay $150 for 4 people and I only have three living in my flat D anyone knows if I can get the fourth pass for visitor?作者: alankle 時間: 2004-11-18 08:25:59
[quote:5c2b99b912="candidfoto"]If I pay $150 for 4 people and I only have three living in my flat D anyone knows if I can get the fourth pass for visitor?[/quote]