問問D Shipping朋友有無可能先. 作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-12-5 15:04:54
Do u have the address of those furniture shop at Lo Wu or Shengzhen ar..I can go and have a look around x:mas time cos I will work at Lo Wu around X:mas time ar...much closer than going to Hang Cheong show room. Thanks. : :wink:作者: saga 時間: 2003-12-6 00:32:09
[quote:3f5713a398="kk&hiromi"]Do u have the address of those furniture shop at Lo Wu or Shengzhen ar..I can go and have a look around x:mas time cos I will work at Lo Wu around X:mas time ar...much closer than going to Hang Cheong show room. Thanks. : :wink:[/quote]
運費...同 service charge 就係個差價 ~作者: Ho and Serene 時間: 2003-12-6 12:30:25
[quote:e3375209fb="kk&hiromi"]Do u have the address of those furniture shop at Lo Wu or Shengzhen ar..I can go and have a look around x:mas time cos I will work at Lo Wu around X:mas time ar...much closer than going to Hang Cheong show room. Thanks. : :wink:[/quote]
我朋友話間家私店在橫崗銀海工業區附近叫做國盛家私在深圳乘的士需約半小時左右...... 作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-12-6 15:35:46
皇崗? 定係橫崗呀?...Thanks anyway.作者: Ho and Serene 時間: 2003-12-6 17:40:58