
標題: 將來晾會晾在那裏? [打印本頁]

作者: 沁藍    時間: 2003-11-30 20:48:15     標題: 將來晾會晾在那裏?

我見售樓書的平面圖都沒有地方顯示是晾衫的位置,是不是我們的衣服要晾在室內呢? :?:
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-11-30 20:56:45     標題: Re: 將來晾會晾在那裏?

[quote:f06ae1624f="沁藍"]我見售樓書的平面圖都沒有地方顯示是晾衫的位置,是不是我們的衣服要晾在室內呢? :?:[/quote]

作者: freshwit    時間: 2003-11-30 21:07:43

晾衫??? :?:  無架 :em16:  發展商送左每戶一部2合一集洗衣幹衣於一身所以唔會晾衫架!! 而且碍於美觀問題 如果每戶都晾衫出來 出面睇就好難睇la!! see! :wink:
作者: 沁藍    時間: 2003-11-30 21:07:46

作者: 沁藍    時間: 2003-11-30 21:08:56

作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-30 21:26:46


都唔排除有呢個可能性架 :| because i knew from my company about 豐澤機唔係太噤而且我地部洗乾衣機既洗衫容量唔係太大&多 (我個同事買左 "海逸豪園"都係和黃既盤都係送豐澤機重要係同我地部1樣既佢打開過我睇倒真係好細呀 :em03: 而另1個同事重話和黃design d樓係以放豐澤機為主既so如果壞左就剩係可以買番佢地既機喎 :?: )重話係因為在kitchen room既高度只有豐澤機先可以放倒入去 都唔知係真定係假既 :?: 佢就講到似層層噤 :roll:
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-1 19:42:39

if using the drying machine everytime the lifespan of the clothes will be shortened bor...and the color & size of the costume will also distort as well. :|  :|
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-1 23:58:47

You can just hang up the wet clothes in the wash room for drying.  I am using this method now.  My existing flat has a outdoor hang up structure for drying washed clothes but I neverly used it and only hang up the clothes in the washroom only.  You can also buy an air dryer to speed up the drying time.
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-2 17:31:41

if the clothes cannot reach the sunlight they will smeel bad ga....UV can kill germs as well la.
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2003-12-2 18:18:59

[quote:96e2d502fe="kk&hiromi"]if the clothes cannot reach the sunlight they will smeel bad ga....UV can kill germs as well la.[/quote]

我朋友個昇xx單位雖然有晾衫的位置 長年不會有陽光.
還有點陰森  :em07:
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-2 18:46:25

is 昇xx the one at Cheung Sha Wan? Seems very high class bor..
作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2003-12-3 00:15:59

[quote:6c66165bd5="kk&hiromi"]is 昇xx the one at Cheung Sha Wan? Seems very high class bor..[/quote]

Yes one at Cheung Sha Wan.
至於High Class 幾啦...應該好過同區幾個樓盤.
作者: Ha and Kui    時間: 2003-12-3 00:31:44

[quote:08e49d8a64="leebrian"]You can just hang up the wet clothes in the wash room for drying.  I am using this method now.  My existing flat has a outdoor hang up structure for drying washed clothes but I neverly used it and only hang up the clothes in the washroom only.  You can also buy an air dryer to speed up the drying time.[/quote]

We know that there is a type of 抽濕機 which is installed in false ceiling in washroom which can be used to "dry" wet clothes in several hours.  It cost $3xxx and we are considering whether to have one.

Anyone heard about such product?  Is it good/effective?  :?:
作者: Ha and Kui    時間: 2003-12-3 00:39:24

[quote:0f2ab5718e="stephenyeong"][quote:0f2ab5718e="kk&hiromi"]is 昇xx the one at Cheung Sha Wan? Seems very high class bor..[/quote]

Yes one at Cheung Sha Wan.
至於High Class 幾啦...應該好過同區幾個樓盤.[/quote]

I've visited the on-site show flat.  Really quite high class with many facilities (and an indoor swimming pool).  But unfortunately it's quite dark especially on the side next to 宇xx.
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-3 17:55:05

[quote:31643f0b45="Ha&Kui"][quote:31643f0b45="leebrian"]You can just hang up the wet clothes in the wash room for drying.  I am using this method now.  My existing flat has a outdoor hang up structure for drying washed clothes but I neverly used it and only hang up the clothes in the washroom only.  You can also buy an air dryer to speed up the drying time.[/quote]

We know that there is a type of 抽濕機 which is installed in false ceiling in washroom which can be used to "dry" wet clothes in several hours.  It cost $3xxx and we are considering whether to have one.

Anyone heard about such product?  Is it good/effective?  :?:[/quote]

No I can use a movable one.  I have bought one.  You can move to any where you like. Very convenience.
作者: gp    時間: 2003-12-3 20:57:31

o下o下用抽濕機去乾衣 咁電費咪好貴...... :em08:
作者: Tomato    時間: 2003-12-3 21:46:51

我會買個掛衣架(可以摺埋的) 放0係廳度晾衫
作者: Simpsons    時間: 2003-12-3 23:17:16

我打算裝條 "鐵通" 係客廳窗前及細房窗前 . . . or 百貨公司o個 d 有轆o既掛衫鐵架.
作者: FD    時間: 2003-12-3 23:50:48

[quote:dfbd9167ea="Ha&Kui"][quote:dfbd9167ea="leebrian"]You can just hang up the wet clothes in the wash room for drying.  I am using this method now.  My existing flat has a outdoor hang up structure for drying washed clothes but I neverly used it and only hang up the clothes in the washroom only.  You can also buy an air dryer to speed up the drying time.[/quote]

We know that there is a type of 抽濕機 which is installed in false ceiling in washroom which can be used to "dry" wet clothes in several hours.  It cost $3xxx and we are considering whether to have one.

Anyone heard about such product?  Is it good/effective?  :?:[/quote]

如果用抽濕機放係washroom度乾衫...,會唔會抽埋抽水馬桶裏面的水呢? :?
係街我見過有一種可以掛係washroom既暖風機,佢有個架掛起d衫,然後笠起佢吹,咁d衫就無用乾衣機咁易縮水同直好多。  :wink:

我諗我會放係有鮮風系統間房度吹...用盡佢 :em17:
作者: leebrian    時間: 2003-12-4 00:23:28

我用左mobile的抽濕機乾衫以一年了I feel very very good...,又唔會抽埋抽水馬桶裏面D水.  Try it!   

By using the movable model you can put it in the bedroom if the weather is too wet..
作者: KS    時間: 2003-12-4 02:27:31

我以前都係咁.....抽濕及乾衣 一舉兩得:wink:
作者: kk and hiromi    時間: 2003-12-4 11:41:20

or just bring the laundry to the cleaning shop la...hope there is one around la...only 30h.k. per pound...no trouble at all.
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-12-4 12:23:20


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