個廳有10呎左右深作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-24 17:25:07
I also planned to buy a plasma but I don't want to throw away my old 29' TV ar...such a waste to dump a servicible TV wor.... ops:作者: wicyh 時間: 2003-11-24 17:28:16
[quote:976e18a16e="kk&hiromi"]I also planned to buy a plasma but I don't want to throw away my old 29' TV ar...such a waste to dump a servicible TV wor.... ops:[/quote]
留俾我咪得囉 :em12:作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-24 17:31:10
But I think the welfare organization need those more than u do bor.... :em20: :em20:作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-11-24 17:33:22
放心啦 $15000恆昌做櫃是包門的,因為我已到恆昌選擇傢俱(join package)。for Plasma款式不多只有兩款,顏色就有很多選擇。可能你單做個櫃會有更多款式選擇,不如你再直接問吓恆昌。 作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2003-11-25 12:28:22
I live in 6E. guess all the room should be fixed otherwise cannot plan my design at all ar. :em06: :em06: :em16:作者: gp 時間: 2003-11-25 12:59:36
[quote:6c88b86e9d="小yen"][quote:6c88b86e9d="Solskjaer"][quote:6c88b86e9d="wicyh"]$24xxx 都唔平喎 點解唔考慮plasma?
我見果d projected TV 都係一萬蚊到咋[/quote]
太大舊啦!佢個樣同Plasma一樣只係厚d約呎多兩呎不需座地正面同一般LCD無分別若同一價錢只係有一部無tuner的Plasma.因我星期六去Timesquare 睇過.[/quote]
really would u like talk to me what shop are u go :?: 豐澤/百老匯/中原... :?: How many the price :?: (just about) :em02:[/quote]
豐澤/百老匯都有show但Timesquare間Samsung專門店就無.作者: qualcomm 時間: 2003-11-25 20:27:45
Hitachi 5000 Series Plasma
32 inch - $26600
40 inch - $35300
(EPS/Cash Price)作者: stephenyeong 時間: 2003-11-25 22:53:54
[quote:db6cf9fbfb="kk&hiromi"]why some of the rooms don't have wall ga...never heard wor....will my flat got a wall?![/quote]
[quote:2ac26ab35b="stephenyeong"][quote:2ac26ab35b="kk&hiromi"]why some of the rooms don't have wall ga...never heard wor....will my flat got a wall?![/quote]
that's right :em11: 恒昌said wait to sign.滿意紙 before must phone to RC買家to make booking for 裝傢俬 恒昌重話我地如果放心既話可以俾低條keys佢地自己上黎裝噤話喎噤橫掂都係當然會係自己law住條keys好d la唔係信佢地唔過而係可以執下其他野嘛 (分分鍾可以等埋其他furniture1齊送黎添呀 :mrgreen: )作者: KS 時間: 2003-12-4 02:49:13