It is not secure to get the confirmation verbally. If you get the rebate your met a good agent... :roll:
I got the written confirmation! But uptill now I have not received the rebate yet.作者: saga 時間: 2003-10-27 01:08:21 標題: Re: 什麼是rebate?
[quote:75664c011c="Amy Poon"]
It is not secure to get the confirmation verbally. If you get the rebate your met a good agent... :roll:
I got the written confirmation! But uptill now I have not received the rebate yet.[/quote]
從來問人拎錢都係唔容易..作者: joe 時間: 2003-10-27 13:14:37
But I signed the S& in Mid-June. Why it takes so long (approx 4 mths la :em13: )? I feel that the chance of getting back the money is low although I have written agreement with the co.作者: freshwit 時間: 2003-10-27 22:31:05
thank you to freshwit's reply.作者: 貓貓仔 貓貓女 時間: 2003-10-28 10:00:37
[quote:529cd0899e="joe"]But I signed the S& in Mid-June. Why it takes so long (approx 4 mths la :em13: )? I feel that the chance of getting back the money is low although I have written agreement with the co.[/quote]
放心啦 而家d地產咁難做 佢o地唔敢亂o黎o既 仲有埋black & white 添 你估佢o地唔驚你告佢咩!! 8)作者: cliff 時間: 2003-10-28 12:51:18
Just Mr. 8. Can tell us how much rebate from agent ? (round only)作者: joe 時間: 2003-10-28 13:58:09
matthewlee i want to know about 美聯 can u tell me 美聯agent are write u any receive before at buy house 手續 :?:作者: matthewlee 時間: 2003-11-22 22:50:18
agent 提供了一封確認信 即時雙方簽署作者: PAUL NG 時間: 2003-11-23 17:50:38
[quote:6623c6758c="cliff"]Just Mr. 8. Can tell us how much rebate from agent ? (round only)[/quote]我係六月中旬買入6座單位 經利嘉閣經記 我每二個星期就打電話予其會計部查詢 並已於一星期前取回有關佣金 如閣下透過利嘉閣的話 可以打去會計部查詢