唉~~ 成日比人話交通不方便, 又成日比人話酒店多自由人出入, 又有人話貨櫃碼頭好嘈~~~
但.... 唔係咁平...去年都上唔到車~~~
其實.... 我好想大大聲同未買藍澄灣的人講
"藍澄灣好好住的" ...
sylvialai 發表於 2010-6-19 13:32
The price is really so unreasonable low.
But why can not found it below, the average is ....
藍澄灣 近期呎價平均: $3875($3441 - $4191)
http://www.centadata.com/ptest.aspx?type=2&code=ABPPWPPEPP&i ...
wing102 發表於 2010-6-24 09:37
This week is $3,754 increase by 19.6%
wing102 發表於 2010-6-26 07:37
我都覺得如果交通可以改善下, RC升幅唔會咁落後
點解青衣冇小巴去旺角, 香港島等跨區地方呢? 而荃灣就有好多
青衣南又冇巴士可以去到尖沙咀? 只係早上有特別班次, 而42A又只係到佐敦止 ...
ktk08b 發表於 2010-7-5 00:38
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