
標題: 輪到我啦.... [打印本頁]

作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-13 15:10:57     標題: 輪到我啦....

個煮食爐撻唔着,call煤氣公司上嚟check左,師傅話個開關器有問題,大果個short short地,細果個就"作死"。

打去CRISTAL完廠 佢地話上門check就要300蚊,零件另計,有冇人壞過呢樣野呢,換零件定係買過部新既好D呢,我只怕換完都用唔耐就不如買過新既,唔洗成日煩,只怕有一日突然又撻唔着,買晒餸又煮唔到就唔知點算。
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-13 15:29:46     標題: Re: 輪到我啦....

[quote:decab28c4e="一家四口"]個煮食爐撻唔着,call煤氣公司上嚟check左,師傅話個開關器有問題,大果個short short地,細果個就"作死"。

打去CRISTAL完廠 佢地話上門check就要300蚊,零件另計,有冇人壞過呢樣野呢,換零件定係買過部新既好D呢,我只怕換完都用唔耐就不如買過新既,唔洗成日煩,只怕有一日突然又撻唔着,買晒餸又煮唔到就唔知點算。[/quote]
作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-13 18:40:46

check左唔關冇電事 因為如果冇電 就會連細果個都唔會著。

睇左上面d意見。 如果要我用over5-600蚊去整 不如換過部 費事整完用等一年半載又話有問題。

但我都問過煤氣公司個師傅 佢話好似得TGC其中一個MODEL啱我地果位 聽日都係去煤氣公司LOOK LOOK先。 :roll:
作者: 公公婆婆    時間: 2007-4-13 21:32:02

[quote:92bb250bc2="一家四口"]check左唔關冇電事 因為如果冇電 就會連細果個都唔會著。

睇左上面d意見。 如果要我用over5-600蚊去整 不如換過部 費事整完用等一年半載又話有問題。

但我都問過煤氣公司個師傅 佢話好似得TGC其中一個MODEL.琝琣a果位 聽日都係去煤氣公司LOOK LOOK先。 :roll:[/quote]

:em06: 我地早幾個月都係咁,大那個一係tart唔著,一係著左有怪聲,搵煤氣分司免費check左話係爐頭歪左,一定要換,但cristal換一個要700蚊!
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-14 10:19:03

[quote:163db7007e="一家四口"]check左唔關冇電事 因為如果冇電 就會連細果個都唔會著。

睇左上面d意見。 如果要我用over5-600蚊去整 不如換過部 費事整完用等一年半載又話有問題。

但我都問過煤氣公司個師傅 佢話好似得TGC其中一個MODEL啱我地果位 聽日都係去煤氣公司LOOK LOOK先。 :roll:[/quote]
等妳最新消息!Thanks you!
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-14 10:24:09

[quote:7bdda9f50a="公公婆婆"] :em06: 我地早幾個月都係咁,大那個一係tart唔著,一係著左有怪聲,搵煤氣分司免費check左話係爐頭歪左,一定要換,但cristal換一個要700蚊!
o個兩個細既爐頭我地平時最多用黎煲湯炸,乜可以抄菜咩? :em18:
作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-14 13:50:33

[quote:744cbf93bb="Robert"][quote:744cbf93bb="一家四口"]check左唔關冇電事 因為如果冇電 就會連細果個都唔會著。

睇左上面d意見。 如果要我用over5-600蚊去整 不如換過部 費事整完用等一年半載又話有問題。

但我都問過煤氣公司個師傅 佢話好似得TGC其中一個MODEL啱我地果位 聽日都係去煤氣公司LOOK LOOK先。 :roll:[/quote]
等妳最新消息!Thanks you! [/quote]

今早去左煤氣公司問左啦 TGC有一個MODEL叫RB603GB SIZE同我地果個差唔多(640X510X63MM)而我地果個係670X510MM 最衰就係個大爐頭喺右手面 我覺得就唔係咁方便炒野。

佢地亦介紹左一個TGC'S MODEL RJB72N-C SIZE係703X403MM $4480 (AFTER DISCOUNT) 只有兩個爐頭(我自己鐘意兩個爐頭 而且都夠用) 係"內炎火爐頭設計" 個女仔話可以慳20%煤氣費 之但係個尺碼唔啱 要改位 我都約左星期一叫佢地上多嚟一次睇位 睇下要點整先得 因改位又收錢 但未知收幾錢。
作者: grassman    時間: 2007-4-14 14:05:59

Good information thanks!
作者: fkf    時間: 2007-4-15 02:22:27

my gas stove is not working well too and considering to change to an electrical induction cooker is it feasible?
作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-17 11:39:13

煤氣公司報左價啦 結果係唔計爐 改位連工包料另加$800 要等一個星期至可以安裝。
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-17 13:42:45

[quote:2c3b56933c="一家四口"]煤氣公司報左價啦 結果係唔計爐 改位連工包料另加$800 要等一個星期至可以安裝。[/quote]
唔該哂靚女,等待妳既完成安裝同埋用後感! :face13:
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2007-4-17 14:04:54

[quote:75e23a1943="fkf"]my gas stove is not working well too and considering to change to an electrical induction cooker is it feasible?[/quote]

Yes you can I was told by cristal (www.cristal.com.hk) that Model (V6022FVV) will fit without any modification to RC kitchen this is a combination of gas + electricty and cost about $5800.  If you want another brand of gas stove (better in quality as well) a model with steel surface (SRV574X01) will also fit in RC kitchen with no modification and cost around $4700
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-17 17:00:20

[quote:53c7231f8c="candidfoto"][quote:53c7231f8c="fkf"]my gas stove is not working well too and considering to change to an electrical induction cooker is it feasible?[/quote]

Yes you can I was told by cristal (www.cristal.com.hk) that Model (V6022FVV) will fit without any modification to RC kitchen this is a combination of gas + electricty and cost about $5800.  If you want another brand of gas stove (better in quality as well) a model with steel surface (SRV574X01) will also fit in RC kitchen with no modification and cost around $4700[/quote]
借問聲你換o個個爐好唔好用呀?同埋可唔可以抄到菜呀?唔該! ops:
作者: candidfoto    時間: 2007-4-17 17:11:20

[quote:08bd6e4e5f="Robert"][quote:08bd6e4e5f="candidfoto"][quote:08bd6e4e5f="fkf"]my gas stove is not working well too and considering to change to an electrical induction cooker is it feasible?[/quote]

Yes you can I was told by cristal (www.cristal.com.hk) that Model (V6022FVV) will fit without any modification to RC kitchen this is a combination of gas + electricty and cost about $5800.  If you want another brand of gas stove (better in quality as well) a model with steel surface (SRV574X01) will also fit in RC kitchen with no modification and cost around $4700[/quote]
借問聲你換o個個爐好唔好用呀?同埋可唔可以抄到菜呀?唔該! ops:[/quote]Can't tell you since we have not installed any new stove yet.  If we do change we would definitely go with either of these model from Cristal and not the TGC model since these two require no modification and the price include installation.
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-17 17:19:20

[quote:1f3c7194eb="candidfoto"][quote:1f3c7194eb="Robert"][quote:1f3c7194eb="candidfoto"][quote:1f3c7194eb="fkf"]my gas stove is not working well too and considering to change to an electrical induction cooker is it feasible?[/quote]

Yes you can I was told by cristal (www.cristal.com.hk) that Model (V6022FVV) will fit without any modification to RC kitchen this is a combination of gas + electricty and cost about $5800.  If you want another brand of gas stove (better in quality as well) a model with steel surface (SRV574X01) will also fit in RC kitchen with no modification and cost around $4700[/quote]
借問聲你換o個個爐好唔好用呀?同埋可唔可以抄到菜呀?唔該! ops:[/quote]Can't tell you since we have not installed any new stove yet.  If we do change we would definitely go with either of these model from Cristal and not the TGC model since these two require no modification and the price include installation.[/quote]
作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-17 17:32:54

[quote:ea5b80fddf="Robert"][quote:ea5b80fddf="一家四口"]煤氣公司報左價啦 結果係唔計爐 改位連工包料另加$800 要等一個星期至可以安裝。[/quote]
唔該哂靚女,等待妳既完成安裝同埋用後感! :face13:[/quote]

你唔好咁啦 你叫我靚女 我就真係以為我係靚女架啦... ops:
作者: Robert    時間: 2007-4-18 10:40:23

[quote:387f978169="一家四口"][quote:387f978169="Robert"][quote:387f978169="一家四口"]煤氣公司報左價啦 結果係唔計爐 改位連工包料另加$800 要等一個星期至可以安裝。[/quote]
唔該哂靚女,等待妳既完成安裝同埋用後感! :face13:[/quote]

你唔好咁啦 你叫我靚女 我就真係以為我係靚女架啦... ops:[/quote]

作者: fkf    時間: 2007-4-23 13:59:11

[quote:219d1fb19d="candidfoto"][quote:219d1fb19d="Robert"][quote:219d1fb19d="candidfoto"][quote:219d1fb19d="fkf"]my gas stove is not working well too and considering to change to an electrical induction cooker is it feasible?[/quote]

Yes you can I was told by cristal (www.cristal.com.hk) that Model (V6022FVV) will fit without any modification to RC kitchen this is a combination of gas + electricty and cost about $5800.  If you want another brand of gas stove (better in quality as well) a model with steel surface (SRV574X01) will also fit in RC kitchen with no modification and cost around $4700[/quote]
借問聲你換o個個爐好唔好用呀?同埋可唔可以抄到菜呀?唔該! ops:[/quote]Can't tell you since we have not installed any new stove yet.  If we do change we would definitely go with either of these model from Cristal and not the TGC model since these two require no modification and the price include installation.[/quote]

Did you check if those models from TGC require modification? I think TGC's quality may be higher than those from Cristal.

And thanks for your information. My mom is still convincing my dad to change an electrical one.  :
作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-30 09:30:36

[quote:4a84a1b0df="Robert"][quote:4a84a1b0df="一家四口"][quote:4a84a1b0df="Robert"][quote:4a84a1b0df="一家四口"]煤氣公司報左價啦 結果係唔計爐 改位連工包料另加$800 要等一個星期至可以安裝。[/quote]
唔該哂靚女,等待妳既完成安裝同埋用後感! :face13:[/quote]

你唔好咁啦 你叫我靚女 我就真係以為我係靚女架啦... ops:[/quote]

個爐換左啦 用左幾日 我工人話好過之前原裝果個 大家可作參考啦  
作者: grassman    時間: 2007-4-30 09:49:03

How much the total charge that you have paid?
作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-4-30 19:12:14

[quote:650ffe80c4="grassman"]How much the total charge that you have paid?[/quote]

個爐折實$4480 另加$800改位 3年免費保養
作者: Eddy Lam    時間: 2007-4-30 22:14:02

[quote:5a33eb02f0="一家四口"][quote:5a33eb02f0="grassman"]How much the total charge that you have paid?[/quote]

個爐折實$4480 另加$800改位 3年免費保養[/quote]

作者: 一家四口    時間: 2007-5-1 11:16:25

[quote:32bf75119e="Eddy Lam"][quote:32bf75119e="一家四口"][quote:32bf75119e="grassman"]How much the total charge that you have paid?[/quote]

個爐折實$4480 另加$800改位 3年免費保養[/quote]


都夠丫 暫時未發現有咩唔好。

買果時煤氣公司果個女仔話呢隻爐除左因為係內焰式既設計可慳D煤氣費外(係咪真係慳到就要遲D收到單至知啦) 佢個size同好多種爐都一樣 萬一若干年後要換 都唔會再要改柜面既大小嚟就位。
作者: fkf    時間: 2007-5-14 23:18:10

起碼爐同爐既距離多 D la
作者: saga    時間: 2009-5-12 01:48:36

倒瀉水入電池位 主板應該報廢

打算買個新的爐 內炎火其實好唔好用呢?

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