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Any update on Defect after lasat meeting?? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-19 23:16:58 |顯示全部樓層
"I would like to know anyone got a better solution to deal with those fxxking stafg (sorry I am really angry). What I want is to have a date to tell me when those defects can be repair but they still fail!! "

Absolutely agree!!!

i have the same problem and would like to share with you my experience on the issue.

你走去收樓處到狂丙狂丙佢地. 我等左三個幾四個禮拜都冇乜做過野 我前三日丙完佢地兩個鐘之後即刻就同我做左F/U都做得七七八八 佢地話我廿四號先交form 我咪話:好呀 咁即係話25號就一定ok la 我就個日成日等你地整.
我諗唔惡d 佢地唔會咁快手......

(雖然我都有諗過咁様做等於叫佢地唔好做其他單位 做左我個先 不過另一方面咁做可以push 下佢地做野快手d 唔好懶懶閒 對於受影響既朋友 道個歉先 :em14:  :em14:

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Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-19 23:17:40 |顯示全部樓層
kenykl  希望幫到你 la

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