某程度上同意h&h的話, 但幾點要留意
1)以我所見,internet 一般是不包在管理費,而會所一向是包在管理費, 現在我們需多交$150大元月費至可以有"會所會藉”, 和黃用這卑劣的移形換影的手段, 將inertnet fee轉移到我們身上,我地不就是用了$150 於這internet service?不俾$150是可以的,多了一個"又新又正" 的電聯網, 少了新屋苑居民應享有的基本權利 law. at the end internet service not good 有要求的一眾, 唯有自己再俾多一百幾十裝個信得過的isp law.
No Free Lunch in the world ga!
[quote:99964393e2="我是誰"]if u want more services includes on our management fee how about include PCCW 6M broadband or icable? let's see how Mr Lee say?!![/quote]
I don't mind to pay for services that I am not using; provided that most of other owners can get the benefit from the services. I also don't mind to bundle the internet services into the managment fee if it is of good quality and good price. The key point here is whether we have any control on this. Based on the experience of other estates the management offices made the decision with the Hutchison while the onwers have no say on terms/condition and the 1.5M internet service is very slow. Do you willing to pay HK$70 per month for bad ISP services?
I agree to comments of some owners. We need to understand the detail. There are different informaton. Someone called Hutchison and they stated that internet services will be included in the management fee. In the meeting minutes with management office they stated that internet services will not be included in the management fee.
We should maintain good relationship with management office while we expect the management office should respect us.
i just want to point out that we are the consultant who pay the salary to 管理公司. i hope they should discuss / do survey with all flat owner before they make this kinds of agreement with 上網供應商. Or for fair they SHOULD open to all but not 電聯網絡 / 和記 ONLY. If it is there customer services level i sure i will change another 管理公司 after agreement end.