等我介紹一個 single 有為青年 自己開公司 又識整芝士蛋糕 入得廚房出得廳堂既好男仔俾你識丫 好唔好?
no 妳咁好條件 一定會好快有機會架!!! 外在美+內在美(妳識煲湯好好味!!)=掂! 不過就真係唔知RC有無CHANCE喇~ 嘻嘻~
Merry Christmas !! Wai so sweet. RC's gals prower are realy something. Thanks you so much !
Yan looks like soup is not enough to show my appreciation next time will cook u a whole dinner ! :wink:
Saga does this kind of nice man still exist? Thought they are all either married or gay.
:em03: :em03:
Of course I would love to have a boy-friend. but after 6yrs single life plus tones of mr. Wrong........Well I would stay single rather than be with someone who's not wroth it. 8)