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間牆 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-7-24 06:59:16 |只看該作者
[quote:a4148fa06e="hales"][quote:a4148fa06e="kenykl"][quote:a4148fa06e="saga"][quote:a4148fa06e="kenykl"]Anyone how much if I...
1) Remove the wall between the small room and the master room;
2) Remove the upper portion of the small room's wall which face the living room;

Because i want to decore somehow similiar to the show flat.[/quote]

拆牆 around 6000
但你改哂d 插座就每個 400 ...
tv 座貴D

問 hales 妎﹞膝q做機電[/quote]

hales need your help la!! I want to know the rough quote to do item (1) and (2) together with relevant electric adjustment.

Because I find the wall separate the small and the master room waste the sight and light from the small room if I remove that wall the small will be bigger (sure the master room will be a bit smaller) but the light from the small room can pass to the living room if I also remove the upper portion of the wall from the small room which similar to the show flat.[/quote]

拆牆幾千蚊差唔多 不過你要拆哂兩個房之間既牆好似有少少麻煩.....
因為個冷氣裝左響果個位....所以你拆既話 就要將個冷氣改位 改冷氣位

tv掣電掣都係一樣咁上下 如果做PVC暗喉做暗掣箱既話 出面都要用
4~500蚊咁上下 如果做GI喉就貴o的囉 不過用GI喉就安全o的囉
最平就係撻線 不過撻線真係唔好.....[/quote]

Which means I need to prepare around 15k-20k for the removal of walls and realighment of socket ?

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