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New Photos [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-2-15 12:16:37 |只看該作者

已pm email address 俾你.

thank you![/quote]

Sorry GP. Does not get any PM. Pls send again.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-2-15 12:18:54 |只看該作者

Re: New Photos

[quote:8e7517c02a="N&M"][quote:8e7517c02a="liuh"][quote:8e7517c02a="N&M"]Facts noted
(1) Toilet doors of 3 rooms unit are not 趟門. (just a normal door i.e. swing)
(2) 百頁" of toilet door is solid
(3) High risk - Kitchen Cabinet "door" very difficult to open may not be closed "completely"
(4) Lobby's reddish brown tiles is actually made of glass with painting at the back and backed by wooden/fiber board.







If the 百頁 is solid how air can flow through? It should be some slices on the door to allow air flow through.. em......

Also do you mean ALL toilor door for 3-bedroom flat are swing type? Or only the one in master room.



百頁 is solid. Not sure the ventilation flow  issue. Fyi the ventilation duct of the fan is connecting to kitchen the "square one" in the picture.

The link is the ventilation fan inside the toilet

Both toilet doors for flat D/E are swing type. One toilet only unit will have sliding door.[/quote]


Thanks for your clarification.

The vantilation fan is to suck the air out of the toilet. In-take air is needed to complete the entire flow. Normally toilet without window requires 百頁. But if the entire door is solid.... It must be some other method for air in-take.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-2-15 12:24:00 |只看該作者
[quote:e70bbd3263="N&M"][quote:e70bbd3263="小yen"]thanks N&M真係好...好開心呀 每次都有好多收獲同驚喜 真係唔該晒你 :em11:  有以下問題 :?: :-

1.) 見倒最尾個folder面既toilet door係 "推門"唔係 "趟門"黎喎 唔知其他既單位係唔係都係噤呢 :?:
2.) 同1個folder又見倒個廳果部冷氣在個toilet門既 "左邊" 呢個係咩單位size黎架 (好似冇咩見過噤擺既 :?: )
3.) 在問題2.)果張相喥見倒廳果部冷氣對落到地下有1個大凹位 好奇怪呀 (在中環個 "試範單位"都冇見過既 :?: )

*唔好意思呀 因為小妹重未去過 "地盤現場-視察"so問題會多左d d ops:

thanks you again :em19:[/quote]

(1) Flat D/E both toilet doors are 推門. Other one toilet only unit will have 趟門.

(2) The photo is taken at flat D master room. Flat E will be mirror of Flat D i.e. a.c. is at the right hand size.

(3) It is the master room of Flat D/E. 試範單位 moved the toilet door to the middle and put a big cabinet next to the door. The 凹位 is not shown. HWL staff already explained to me.[/quote]


Further comments on point (3):
The new 試範單位 for Flat D is exactly the same as real one. If you get time you can take a look.


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-2-15 12:30:01 |只看該作者

已pm email address 俾你.

thank you![/quote]

Sorry GP. Does not get any PM. Pls send again.[/quote]

已再pm. Thank you.
G :em21: P

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-2-15 12:30:56 |只看該作者
The type of toilet door has been discussed somewhere (forgot the topic). I though it was "hallow" too. The fact is it is solid as seen on site.

As the information I got the mechnical ventilation producing 5 air changes per hour is provided to all internal bathrooms.

Any our professional neighbour can tell me is that good enough?


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-2-15 12:50:43 |只看該作者

已pm email address 俾你.

thank you![/quote]

Sorry GP. Does not get any PM. Pls send again.[/quote]

已再pm. Thank you.[/quote]

Already shared to you by your email address. You should get an email with url link. Please let me know if you can open thru the www.gipalbum.com. (I'm a new user to gipalbum)

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-2-15 12:55:09 |只看該作者
To N&M

睇到啦!! :mrgreen: 唔該! :em14:

d相好靚呀 特別係個池景 越睇越正 :em11: . 無買錯 :mrgreen:
G :em21: P

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-2-15 13:21:45 |只看該作者
WOW.... :em04:  :em04:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-2-15 13:58:19 |只看該作者

唔該晒呀N&M 係D&E單位黎 噤我想問下你有冇睇過其他單位呀 :?: 我係細單位黎 (只係想知d進度&用料 手工得唔得噤lo ops: ) 我有少少擔心好驚d門呀窗呀會花呀要等佢地黎換又要好耐時間 (雖然都見倒佢地既protect做得好好 :roll: )anyway thanks u again la

見你禁叻影禁多相就講個news俾你&其他人知la :em12: 我尋日放學之後打電話俾 "wanchai-恒昌"本想係講講個$888既tv櫃既 (呢樣唔多提la係我自己stupid唔記得原來呢個櫃果陣係同paul y.買架 ops: 同恒昌果個完全冇關佢地重冇意噤口快快同我講係paul y.抄佢地個款平噤黎promot俾我地添呀 :em17: 佢當時把聲唔嬲重要係好無奈噤真係我都忍唔住笑左出黎 :em17: ) 果個亞叔真係好好人10問10應重俾左好多意見我添呀 :em11: 意見&所得消息如下:-

1.) 原來發展商已經通知左佢地要開始生產有關套餐既furniture架la (咪係因為打算在3月尾通知收樓law :em19: )
2.) 而收樓既次序係分座數 (佢地話第6座重未起好重攪繄架 噤其他果幾座起好咪由第1座開始通知 "收樓"law :em12: 1路收落去就收晒唔駛驚過左果個 "收樓期"喎) 而每座既收樓先後次序佢就冇講 (因為佢都唔知 佢話剩係知3月尾 由第1座開始收咋喎)
3.) 至於furniture方面就會顧左"傢俬套餐"既業主先 (佢話係因為佢地已經1早俾晒$ 唔計加$既數 噤做生意好應該要跟先後次序 :em11: ) 而其他如果依家想散買佢地既傢俬既業主就會跟住 "傢俬套餐"後黎送貨喎 (言詞間都隱約聽得出佢好顧班 "傢俬套餐"既業主 亦好想做其他冇join到套餐既rc walk in客 講真佢既態度禁好我都好想俾生意佢做 so遲下都會睇睇既)
*so i think join左 "套餐"既業主唔駛太擔心既
4.) 噤我問佢邊間shop d野齊d &多d款簡 佢考都唔駛考慮就話 "屯門" (我即刻反駁佢 "嘩 好遠架喎 呢間係廠黎架 :?: 佢話呢間都係shop黎不過地方大好多自然款亦多好多 而且唔駛太迫既時候你地睇都睇得舒服d佢地又可以顧倒唔同客既需要咪唔駛 "順得哥情失so意"噤話 呢個職員真係好玩得重好攪笑 佢d對話全部都係用晒d後生仔言詞 (我之前去過wanchai間shop見過佢亦都應得佢把聲真人同電話差好遠 好玩得 :em11: )

*雖然佢都知我未必幫襯佢 (1開始我已經表明立場話冇join到佢地既 "傢俬套餐"亦都話到明唔少人對佢地呢個餐有唔少不滿 :em12: )但係佢亦都回應話知到有業主因為呢個餐而同佢地攪到好唔開心 :em05: 但係佢仍然好落力噤話我知rc應該簡咩幾時收樓...亦好nice噤叫我 "依家要睇定傢俬&裝修 後生仔通常1收樓就好想快d攪掂搬入去住而忽略左好多細節 過多幾年就好難攪 所以依家想定就差唔多" (嘩我聽完佢話呢句野真係有d感動 )當然臨收線佢都用好sales口吻噤叫我落去 "恒昌"到噤唔噤都睇睇冇防 :em12:
多1事...不如少1事...少1事...不如唔好生事... :em11:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-2-15 15:07:59 |只看該作者
N&M Thanks for your great photos.

Are the photos taken from Block 2?

使用道具 舉報

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