[quote:8e7517c02a="N&M"][quote:8e7517c02a="liuh"][quote:8e7517c02a="N&M"]Facts noted
(1) Toilet doors of 3 rooms unit are not 趟門. (just a normal door i.e. swing)
(2) 百頁" of toilet door is solid
(3) High risk - Kitchen Cabinet "door" very difficult to open may not be closed "completely"
(4) Lobby's reddish brown tiles is actually made of glass with painting at the back and backed by wooden/fiber board.
If the 百頁 is solid how air can flow through? It should be some slices on the door to allow air flow through.. em......
Also do you mean ALL toilor door for 3-bedroom flat are swing type? Or only the one in master room.
百頁 is solid. Not sure the ventilation flow issue. Fyi the ventilation duct of the fan is connecting to kitchen the "square one" in the picture.
The link is the ventilation fan inside the toilet
Both toilet doors for flat D/E are swing type. One toilet only unit will have sliding door.[/quote]
Thanks for your clarification.
The vantilation fan is to suck the air out of the toilet. In-take air is needed to complete the entire flow. Normally toilet without window requires 百頁. But if the entire door is solid.... It must be some other method for air in-take.
(1) Flat D/E both toilet doors are 推門. Other one toilet only unit will have 趟門.
(2) The photo is taken at flat D master room. Flat E will be mirror of Flat D i.e. a.c. is at the right hand size.
(3) It is the master room of Flat D/E. 試範單位 moved the toilet door to the middle and put a big cabinet next to the door. The 凹位 is not shown. HWL staff already explained to me.[/quote]
Further comments on point (3):
The new 試範單位 for Flat D is exactly the same as real one. If you get time you can take a look.
Sorry GP. Does not get any PM. Pls send again.[/quote]
已再pm. Thank you.[/quote]
Already shared to you by your email address. You should get an email with url link. Please let me know if you can open thru the www.gipalbum.com. (I'm a new user to gipalbum)