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想買易手車,有沒有相熟可靠的...可介紹?! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2007-1-17 09:19:41 |只看該作者

Re: 想買易手車,有沒有相熟可靠的...可介紹?!

[quote:255c62ca63="維也納"][quote:255c62ca63="sunday"]:em14:  :em14:  :em14:[/quote]

因私讓比車行平好多 (但有時私讓既又未必找到心水車)

私讓的有個問題就係自己要好識睇下部車有咩問題 有冇大撞 大改等等[/quote]

謝謝...其實也可以去車行check check...若果選定了的話...對不對?

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發表於 2007-1-17 09:21:21 |只看該作者
[quote:2112441df1="維也納"][quote:2112441df1="一家四口"]我地上個月喺碧海藍天入面個停車場果間易手車行換左架車 唔係話同果間野好熟不過交易過程暢順 如果有興趣可以去look look pm左資料比你。[/quote]

我見過係碧海藍天個場個門口見到有對買左車既夫婦同個經紀鬧大交 好似係貨不對版[/quote]

我就最驚這些事情...上次賣車給一個澳洲人,最後關頭還要給他壓價 :em06:

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發表於 2007-1-17 09:24:25 |只看該作者
[quote:9680d314c8="grassman"][quote:9680d314c8="Tomato"]有個題外問題 養部車係咪好貴??例如車位、保險等等....[/quote]

1. 車位: $550~$2000 (住RC為例)
2. 保險: $2xxx/年 (好似..唔記得,也視乎駕駛經驗)
3. 牌費: $3xxx/年 (細車)
4. 汽油: $800~$1000/月 (Weekend driver 計)
5. 保養: 無定,基本$500~$1000/年
6. 出街的停車費: $200~600 (Weekend driver 計)
7. 牛肉乾: $500~1000/年 (粗心大意 計)



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發表於 2007-1-17 12:26:10 |只看該作者
[quote:3566d739b3="sunday"][quote:3566d739b3="grassman"][quote:3566d739b3="Tomato"]有個題外問題 養部車係咪好貴??例如車位、保險等等....[/quote]

1. 車位: $550~$2000 (住RC為例)
2. 保險: $2xxx/年 (好似..唔記得,也視乎駕駛經驗)
3. 牌費: $3xxx/年 (細車)
4. 汽油: $800~$1000/月 (Weekend driver 計)
5. 保養: 無定,基本$500~$1000/年
6. 出街的停車費: $200~600 (Weekend driver 計)
7. 牛肉乾: $500~1000/年 (粗心大意 計)


買得車...都預左...不會與搭的士比較...兩樣不同的東西呢 [/quote]

咁又係喎 起碼唔駛比錢仲要睇的士哥哥面色....

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2007-1-17 17:11:33 |只看該作者
如果好怕比人騙 可以去大行d二手車場 eg. 大昌行. 佢d車貴d 同時亦無話同部車化妝(美化表面). 不過如果你同有修理車經驗的人去 大昌行標榜可以即刻升高架車比你check.
三保no NCB 接近$3000.
牌費 1500cc or below $39xx/yr.
另外6年(或以上)車齡的車每年要驗車合格才可續行車證. 大約$1100.
真係想買車考慮下買二三萬元貨色 一來炒左唔肉痛 二來你會捨得泊露天場 三來後悔之時賣出也比較易(銀碼細). 牌費也可以每季買不用一次買一年.

做車主最happy係"方便去街" 特別係一家有老有嫩 方便放假之時四處遊. 如果得兩個人 預算又緊 真係"的來的去"比較化算.

想過下車主癮的話 也可以考慮租車(AVIS/Hertz around $5000起/月) 你只需要付parking 油$$ 罸款 炒車保險墊底費 etc. 保養/牌費/清潔佢包. 不過最大問題係如果車身中左石仔之類少少傷 自己車可以不理 但係租車就可能要扣錢.
Don\'t worry be happy!! ^_^

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2007-1-17 17:23:43 |只看該作者
[quote:348af23b6d="kk-in-hk"]如果好怕比人騙 可以去大行d二手車場 eg. 大昌行. 佢d車貴d 同時亦無話同部車化妝(美化表面). 不過如果你同有修理車經驗的人去 大昌行標榜可以即刻升高架車比你check.
三保no NCB 接近$3000.
牌費 1500cc or below $39xx/yr.
另外6年(或以上)車齡的車每年要驗車合格才可續行車證. 大約$1100.
真係想買車考慮下買二三萬元貨色 一來炒左唔肉痛 二來你會捨得泊露天場 三來後悔之時賣出也比較易(銀碼細). 牌費也可以每季買不用一次買一年.

做車主最happy係"方便去街" 特別係一家有老有嫩 方便放假之時四處遊. 如果得兩個人 預算又緊 真係"的來的去"比較化算.

想過下車主癮的話 也可以考慮租車(AVIS/Hertz around $5000起/月) 你只需要付parking 油$$ 罸款 炒車保險墊底費 etc. 保養/牌費/清潔佢包. 不過最大問題係如果車身中左石仔之類少少傷 自己車可以不理 但係租車就可能要扣錢.[/quote]

嘩!你完全講中sai wow!!!



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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2007-1-17 17:59:17 |只看該作者
[quote:23fa232da3="Tomato"][quote:23fa232da3="維也納"][quote:23fa232da3="Tomato"][quote:23fa232da3="grassman"][quote:23fa232da3="Tomato"]有個題外問題 養部車係咪好貴??例如車位、保險等等....[/quote]

1. 車位: $550~$2000 (住RC為例)
2. 保險: $2xxx/年 (好似..唔記得,也視乎駕駛經驗)
3. 牌費: $3xxx/年 (細車)
4. 汽油: $800~$1000/月 (Weekend driver 計)
5. 保養: 無定,基本$500~$1000/年
6. 出街的停車費: $200~600 (Weekend driver 計)
7. 牛肉乾: $500~1000/年 (粗心大意 計)


要好多野喎.....仲樣樣都千千聲....搭的士好以底D喎 :shock:[/quote]

仲有可能因為冬天太涷你唔會願意自己洗車既情況下比人洗 每次$50-$150[/quote]

我諗我會係夏天太熱唔願意自己洗多d.... :yeah:
仲諗住學0下車 第時買架車tim.....無希望喇 :em01: ~~[/quote]

夏天都可以選舉有蓋既地方洗車 穿條短褲 tak 對拖 我以前洗車用條長水喉洗好多時會整濕對腳 感覺好清涼架

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Rank: 2

發表於 2007-1-17 19:11:02 |只看該作者
There are constantly some good deals in www.asiaexpat.com.hk most are from expats living in Hong Kong.  I just renewed registration ($9600) for my Lexus LS400 parks in RC (I'm the 1st hand owner since 2000 water goods from Japan) it's 4000 cc though if anyone is interested you can PM me for a cheap deal car in perfect running condition with only 45000km one of the best and most reliable car I have  ever owned.  I am thinking about switching to a Toyota or Honda minivan.  Car is driven daily to work if I'm in town (I'm typing this from my Switzerland office)

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2007-1-17 19:29:05 |只看該作者
[quote:5dfeabf447="candidfoto"]There are constantly some good deals in www.asiaexpat.com.hk most are from expats living in Hong Kong.  I just renewed registration ($9600) for my Lexus LS400 parks in RC (I'm the 1st hand owner since 2000 water goods from Japan) it's 4000 cc though if anyone is interested you can PM me for a cheap deal car in perfect running condition with only 45000km one of the best and most reliable car I have  ever owned.  I am thinking about switching to a Toyota or Honda minivan.  Car is driven daily to work if I'm in town (I'm typing this from my Switzerland office)[/quote]

the website could not open :em06:  :em06:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2007-1-17 20:06:43 |只看該作者
[quote:29ac0554f3="sunday"][quote:29ac0554f3="candidfoto"]There are constantly some good deals in www.asiaexpat.com.hk most are from expats living in Hong Kong.  I just renewed registration ($9600) for my Lexus LS400 parks in RC (I'm the 1st hand owner since 2000 water goods from Japan) it's 4000 cc though if anyone is interested you can PM me for a cheap deal car in perfect running condition with only 45000km one of the best and most reliable car I have  ever owned.  I am thinking about switching to a Toyota or Honda minivan.  Car is driven daily to work if I'm in town (I'm typing this from my Switzerland office)[/quote]

the website could not open :em06:  :em06:[/quote]Sorry spelling error just click


and then go into the Auto Trader section

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