[quote:26f67345d7="Hello Kitty"][quote:26f67345d7="Tempest"]我問過管理處N甘多次佢地每次只識得話"cableTV剛係大廈做完測試,一有消息就通知大家”問佢地mei都唔知..
CABLE TV 好似4月份已做完測試wor!都唔知管理處有冇去跟進.廢到爆!
比成$1000管理費,比d甘gei服務我地.... : :twisted:[/quote]If you went to Owner's Committee meeting (monthly) EMO is updating the progress.
Anyway Cable TV is the one to provide the service to us. When they will service ? How much ? EMO can't force them to do. The role of EMO is helping them or providing information to Cable TV. Moreover they need to make sure those don't want to subscribe won't be affected.
Be patient ! Or call Cable TV to urge them....[/quote]
[quote:743a1dbd90="Royhk"][quote:743a1dbd90="Hello Kitty"][quote:743a1dbd90="Tempest"]我問過管理處N甘多次佢地每次只識得話"cableTV剛係大廈做完測試,一有消息就通知大家”問佢地mei都唔知..
CABLE TV 好似4月份已做完測試wor!都唔知管理處有冇去跟進.廢到爆!
比成$1000管理費,比d甘gei服務我地.... : :twisted:[/quote]If you went to Owner's Committee meeting (monthly) EMO is updating the progress.
Anyway Cable TV is the one to provide the service to us. When they will service ? How much ? EMO can't force them to do. The role of EMO is helping them or providing information to Cable TV. Moreover they need to make sure those don't want to subscribe won't be affected.
Be patient ! Or call Cable TV to urge them....[/quote]
[quote:bcb4972930="grassman"][quote:bcb4972930="Royhk"][quote:bcb4972930="Hello Kitty"][quote:bcb4972930="Tempest"]我問過管理處N甘多次佢地每次只識得話"cableTV剛係大廈做完測試,一有消息就通知大家”問佢地mei都唔知..
CABLE TV 好似4月份已做完測試wor!都唔知管理處有冇去跟進.廢到爆!
比成$1000管理費,比d甘gei服務我地.... : :twisted:[/quote]If you went to Owner's Committee meeting (monthly) EMO is updating the progress.
Anyway Cable TV is the one to provide the service to us. When they will service ? How much ? EMO can't force them to do. The role of EMO is helping them or providing information to Cable TV. Moreover they need to make sure those don't want to subscribe won't be affected.
Be patient ! Or call Cable TV to urge them....[/quote]
講真,大部份業主都對現時EMO不滿,但在未更換EMO前,目前EMO仍然在管理RC,各業主和業委都只可以期望EMO去改善![/quote]Grassman Thank you for your reply to Royhk. You're the one catch my meaning. From now on I've better be very careful in what I wrote.
I don't want to argue with Royhk but this topic is Cable TV not talking about the service of EMO please don't mix up. For the service of EMO ???? No Comment .....
Royhk please have a new topic on it to discuss thanks.