[quote:d9db9b2b14="45B"]I don't think I can do everything with $50000I mean all furniture and 起wall 整門and 把細room的窗台改為書桌。
點解你話可以呢? :?:[/quote]
如果照你所講整咁多..我諗都唔夠.. :?
[quote:85933f7591="45B"]我老公在大陸工作去過順德佢話有個地方叫 ' 樂從'那兒有一個好大的傢俬城有半條NATHAN ROAD咁長什麼傢俱都有。如果有朋友好似我同老公咁BUDGET有限的話不妨到那兒看看。PRICE是香港的1/2至2/3。
That's really great but do you know can they ship to HK and send someone to install?
to CJ
佢地可以運回香港但要同其他人的貨一齊組成一個cargo then share the feeabout several hundred.
起wall整門和把細ROOM的窗台改成書桌一定要搵師傅wor how can I do it in other ways? any suggestions?
初初有想過用間wall櫃但看上去會令個廳細左so give up.
to CJ
佢地可以運回香港但要同其他人的貨一齊組成一個cargo then share the feeabout several hundred.
起wall整門和把細ROOM的窗台改成書桌一定要搵師傅wor how can I do it in other ways? any suggestions?
初初有想過用間wall櫃但看上去會令個廳細左so give up.
整門 ~ $3K
all furniture ~ $30K
起wall 把細room的窗台改為書桌 (are you sure you can do this???)
for the wall the 'air condition' is there wor...
窗台改為書桌... you broke it?
Paint wall ~ 8K