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Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 2003-11-30 00:02:38 |只看該作者
I strongly agree with you.  We must...must group together to fright for our right.   It is unreasonable to waste any more money.
Brian & Lisa................... :em20:............... :em21:

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Rank: 2

發表於 2003-11-30 00:12:55 |只看該作者

Re: Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night

[quote:8f3e105f48="wicyh"][quote:8f3e105f48="Teresa&Fai"][quote:8f3e105f48="Wilkins"]the price of extra items:

The TV atenna output the 5.1 channel back output and the electric socket for 683" and 638" flats are located at the outer wall of the small room. SO IF YOU WANT TO FIX THEM IN THE 隔廳的組合櫃 YOU HAVE TO PAY EXTRA $ 1500 !! i.e. $ 500 each !!

At the end I have to pay extra $ 1600...huh....[/quote]


o華!!!!!!!我真係冇諗過要extra比咁多錢..........真係禁住黎搶..... :em13:  :em13:[/quote]
最初唔係話包埋咩  :?:[/quote]

我肯定恆昌當日話包收埋d線入櫃唔外露 gar!!!! :em13:  :em13:  :em13:  :em13:  :em13:
Kelvin & Emily :em01: :em01: 真係給恆昌玩獲金 :em01: :em01:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-11-30 07:40:47 |只看該作者

Re: Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night

[quote:3cea60e048="女"][quote:3cea60e048="KK & J"][quote:3cea60e048="Wilkins"]the price of extra items:

$ 800 for extra 1"  衣櫃 ( 4" to 5")[/quote]

請問$800 是否(趟)門衣櫃?[/quote]

(趟)門衣櫃唔使加$$$架............. [/quote]

真的 :em06: 我的聯絡人是姓陳(先生),佢話(趟)門衣櫃是$1200呎,普通門是$800呎。p女可否話我知你聯絡人姓氏,佢話有證明可向公司進討回差價。
thx. :em14:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2003-11-30 12:17:25 |只看該作者

Re: Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night

真的 :em06: 我的聯絡人是姓陳(先生),佢話(趟)門衣櫃是$1200呎,普通門是$800呎。p女可否話我知你聯絡人姓氏,佢話有證明可向公司進討回差價。
thx. :em14:[/quote]

我話趟門唔使加$ 係因為我冇加大個衣櫃
Do you understand what I mean? :roll:

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Rank: 4

發表於 2003-11-30 17:45:20 |只看該作者
唔係呀化將d電線/掣收在個櫃入面都要收$ 嘩之前訂櫃果陣佢都冇講/提過喎 噤咪即係明騙我地o者 :twisted: "往"佢地個名都叫做出呀 (我有個同事依家用緊既furniture都係佢地做既而我有幾個friends都對恒昌既material讚口不絕架喎)真係有d disappointment呀

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2003-12-1 00:02:47 |只看該作者

Re: Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night

[quote:9471a14adf="Wilkins"]the price of extra items:
The TV atenna output the 5.1 channel back output and the electric socket for 683" and 638" flats are located at the outer wall of the small room. SO IF YOU WANT TO FIX THEM IN THE 隔廳的組合櫃 YOU HAVE TO PAY EXTRA $ 1500 !! i.e. $ 500 each !![/quote]

1. 工作只是封個socket位、油牆,並在組合櫃內加socket.
2. 加完組合櫃都一定要油牆 所以一定要包.

不過我未必要re-route個socket。因為我可能再拉過個audio socket,準備6.1 Channel .
超頻COD中 (Compulsive Obsessive Disorder)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-12-1 00:29:40 |只看該作者

Re: Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night

[quote:f7caafecd7="女"]真的 :em06: 我的聯絡人是姓陳(先生),佢話(趟)門衣櫃是$1200呎,普通門是$800呎。p女可否話我知你聯絡人姓氏,佢話有證明可向公司進討回差價。
thx. :em14:[/quote]

我話趟門唔使加$ 係因為我冇加大個衣櫃
Do you understand what I mean? :roll:[/quote]

其實無關加大size或無加大之分,只是"趟門"同"普通門"分別 (我的聯絡人陳生說)。我只是想證實$800一呎是普通門,而$1200一呎是趟門。
而你的論據可以幫到我,在冇加大個衣櫃的情況下"趟門唔使加$"。按常理推斷"趟門"同"普通門"加大size亦應該加上同價價值。所以希望你能提供聯絡人姓氏,讓我可取回合理的差額。 thx :em14:

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2003-12-1 21:58:39 |只看該作者

Re: Choosing furniture at Hang Cheong last night

其實無關加大size或無加大之分,只是"趟門"同"普通門"分別 (我的聯絡人陳生說)。我只是想證實$800一呎是普通門,而$1200一呎是趟門。
而你的論據可以幫到我,在冇加大個衣櫃的情況下"趟門唔使加$"。按常理推斷"趟門"同"普通門"加大size亦應該加上同價價值。所以希望你能提供聯絡人姓氏,讓我可取回合理的差額。 thx :em14:[/quote]

我選擇了趟門 所以我唔知普通門係加幾多$
你選擇左乜野門呀?.......... :?:
我的聯絡人係郭生 你可以打電話問下佢
我諗大家改0既野一樣 冇理由收0既$會唔同掛........... :roll:
如果真係事實  你一定要取回差額

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2003-12-3 09:40:34 |只看該作者
原來我加大的衣櫃是細房衣櫃,由於恆昌提供的是2呎普通門,所以要補回較大差額($1200) :roll:  有別於
Wilkins 寫到: $ 800 for extra 1" 衣櫃 ( 4" to 5")
p女 寫到: 我話趟門唔使加$ 係因為我冇加大個衣櫃

特別鳴謝p女幫忙  :em21: 。

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Rank: 2

發表於 2003-12-3 17:34:49 |只看該作者
A staff of 恒昌 called Mr. Ma call me today.  I have made an appointment to select the furniture on 14 December 2003 at 11:00am at their Tuen Mun shop also.  How about you both?  

However I have a very bad BAD news to tell you.  He told me that they have changed the rules of this furniture plan SUBSEQUENTLY due to too many buyers in RC.  He said that we could only select those models from their available items only and could not change the design according to our own wills....... :em07: WHY?????????????????

I felt very angry  :evil:  becasue Ms. Ng told me that this plan allow us to change any design whatever we like when she persuade me to join this furniture plans.

I told him that if I could not select any items from their catalogs I would request to refund all deposit otherwise I will complain to the Consumer Council.  

Any one who to join me to fight for our RIGHT.
Brian & Lisa................... :em20:............... :em21:

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