就係因為咁 有個女人(我地住同一層) 發 Long Lai 同我講叫我地搬返自己d家俬...(有床玉..梳化....)如果唔係我dump 洒佢 又話幾日前已聯絡 hang cheong (hang cheong 都唔做野令到我地d類居關係咁差... 唉...) 我更係唔搬 叫 hang cheong d 人來搬... 好才佢先生出來調停... 而 hang cheong d 人又及時到.....如果唔係....個女人可能有排講
I am the same victum too. I place the key to Hang Cheong on 21/4 till now it only give me the lighting and shoes shelf. I need to move out my flat that rent in shatin as the owner have sold out the apartment. I am so worry that where to put my stuff. I have inform Hang Cheong my urgence for move in to RC. Ms Ng ( Hang Cheong Manager) said no problem and only need 10 days to install the shelf. But now one month past and no improvement on this.