[quote:a04d2692d4="CJ"]hmm... everyone has his stand and own interest personally I am 無所謂
but one thing for sure is 管理費 stated as $1.3 in the sales booklet already and there mentioned not the free internet access.
Since it is'nt expected it's still a good news. But if cutting this for sure will reduce the mgt fee there will be jetso to bigger size flat owner who shall be reduced more propotionally.
Some one may still felt unfair...
That's why we need to have a 業主立案團 to represent our voice and 公投.[/quote]
呢個唔會既 低層既人用 lift 都要少d 啦
無得咁計既 ~
大單位俾多左 一部份係因為佢地方大
人多用 service 多d 損耗亦多d
以本人為例,我不懂游泳,沒有車牌,可能有好多用吾著o既地方。而本人及"愛人"最想要的可能只是 SHUTTLE BUS 及寬頻上網,而現在 SHUTTLE 又沒有,只有"綠巴"而且只是短線,非常有限。大家可能覺得如果現在包”寬頻上網”,本人應該非常開心。但我覺得如果”寬頻上網”是由一間比較理想的ISP負責及穩定的話,本人是一定同意的。但如果是最基本要求都達吾到o既寬頻,免費而”不用簽約”是可以接受,但如果要在管理費中扣除,我就想自由選擇了。可能此費用只是數十元之費用,但真的最基本要求都達吾到o既話,我就想有關費用作其他用途了。
舉個例:SHUTTLE BUS 如有的話,而且於上班時間10分鐘一班的話,每人的見解都可能不一,可能有人覺得10分鐘一班”可以接受”或”太少”甚至”太多”亦有可能,如何去adjust呢?答案不一,是嗎?而且如果大家知道本屋宛請的 SHUTTLE BUS 已經是臭名遠播的公司o既話,經常班次少及遲到的話,閣下交出之管理費是否浪費?大家願意聘用這公司嗎?
[quote:2715975e2e="saga"][quote:2715975e2e="CJ"]hmm... everyone has his stand and own interest personally I am 無所謂
but one thing for sure is 管理費 stated as $1.3 in the sales booklet already and there mentioned not the free internet access.
Since it is'nt expected it's still a good news. But if cutting this for sure will reduce the mgt fee there will be jetso to bigger size flat owner who shall be reduced more propotionally.
Some one may still felt unfair...
That's why we need to have a 業主立案團 to represent our voice and 公投.[/quote]
呢個唔會既 低層既人用 lift 都要少d 啦
無得咁計既 ~
大單位俾多左 一部份係因為佢地方大
人多用 service 多d 損耗亦多d
Some services are difficult to "calculate" in detail. The extra administration cost will be higher than that you can save. and
E.g. cleaning and rubbish handling so it is charged based on the size. Bigger unit pays more. That is most benefit to all.
Services such as shuttle bus broadband... can be counted easily. Paid by the user are fair to all.
That is why 住戶證 number is fixed to the size of the unit - smaller unit has less number and bigger unit has more. Any extra 住戶證 will be charged additionally.
Personally if there is cost effective charging system I agree that 低層既人用 lift 少d should be paid less
Because "bundled" telecom services would violate OFTA's anti-competition ordinance which is illegal. Thus in the meeting note developer do not reply in black and white that HGC would provide free broadband service.[/quote]