
標題: URGENT!! [打印本頁]

作者: LJJ    時間: 2003-9-20 14:08:11     標題: URGENT!!

木地板唔打獵得唔得 會唔會生蟲 :?:
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-9-20 14:12:00

品質好就唔會生蟲 唔打獵當然得啦
作者: LJJ    時間: 2003-9-20 14:26:21

長條形 淺色係咪舉木地板 點知品質好唔好呀
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-9-20 14:30:24

作者: hales    時間: 2003-9-20 15:58:01

作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-20 17:55:16

而家通常都係鋪櫸木 instead of 柚木
柚木有人話俗氣有人話高貴d (新都城個 ng 睇返來)
作者: LJJ    時間: 2003-9-20 21:07:07

真係多謝大家o既回應 只要唔生蟲就安心d
作者: gp    時間: 2003-9-21 00:18:00

事先要知到o個隻地板可唔可以打獵 因為而家有d新樓所鋪地板係唔可以打獵 否則會一撻撻o家! :wink:
作者: BearBear    時間: 2003-9-21 01:18:57



作者: LJJ    時間: 2003-9-21 21:46:24

好彩問下大家o者 因為果層樓我係租嫁 如果業主要我重舖咁就大件事lor
作者: LJJ    時間: 2003-9-21 22:00:53

今日同隔離個業主傾 佢話收o左樓3個月後先搬到入去 執漏都要成個月 地板唔平要發展商重舖 佢話舖完又係咁
作者: saga    時間: 2003-9-22 09:40:10

[quote:b6d606ef4a="LJJ"]今日同隔離個業主傾 佢話收o左樓3個月後先搬到入去 執漏都要成個月 地板唔平要發展商重舖 佢話舖完又係咁[/quote]

These kinds of problem is common.
SHK also has 70% flats need to follow up and in the past 100% defect follow up for all developer !
The developer will think that even they try to check the defects for owner before the owner may raise another kind of problems.
So the lazy developer just give the flat to you and do the follow up save the time so that they can hand it to you on time.

So 1 months for defects follow up and 2 month for decoration furniture is nearly a must.

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