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收樓點滴 今日: 1|主題: 884

版主: stephenyeong
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請問 有join 恆昌 0的街坊 Stephen@RC 2004-5-17 81755 Stephen@RC 2004-5-17 16:12:34
入伙拜五方招財進寶  ...2 diedsee 2004-5-17 112764 diedsee 2004-5-17 16:05:06
有線電視 - 每週樓盤消息 [2004-05-08 & 2004-05-15] Jeffrey Shirley 2004-5-17 41796 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-5-17 02:23:36
賠償 from the developer Wynne and Paul 2004-5-16 11330 Wynne and Paul 2004-5-16 22:40:29
Air-conditioner (not cold) Wynne and Paul 2004-5-16 51473 Wynne and Paul 2004-5-16 22:38:09
點解kitchen時有水時冇水 Stephen@RC 2004-5-16 41578 Stephen@RC 2004-5-16 18:10:27
樓上浴缸去水位 AP Duck 2004-5-15 21429 AP Duck 2004-5-15 23:26:38
[size=18]執漏大限!![/size] Penny and Matt 2004-5-15 51628 Penny and Matt 2004-5-15 21:02:06
What I feel today..... Wynne and Paul 2004-5-15 11146 Wynne and Paul 2004-5-15 00:29:48
寶華電話幾號和整廚房問題. konichiwa 2004-5-14 81910 konichiwa 2004-5-14 11:32:11
很多人都為RC出心出力小弟都很想唔知占樣联約大家 benjeaaa 2004-5-14 01037 benjeaaa 2004-5-14 03:16:08
第一渡柱光出現了 attachment  ...2 Ho and Serene 2004-5-14 123143 Ho and Serene 2004-5-14 01:55:14
交defect list後兩星期... 草龍 2004-5-13 21166 草龍 2004-5-13 23:22:47
有冇多餘的宜家cupon呀?? attachment  ...234 wychan 2004-5-13 307033 wychan 2004-5-13 23:17:12
佢地唔幫你執漏就無事你唔交或遲交(滚你費)就大Q獲.  ...2 benjeaaa 2004-5-13 122775 benjeaaa 2004-5-13 13:53:32
佢地唔幫你執漏就無事如果你唔交/或遲交(滚你費)咁? benjeaaa 2004-5-13 0950 benjeaaa 2004-5-13 13:46:45
唔睇尤自可,一睇把幾火 attachment  ...23456..7 我是誰 2004-5-13 6111992 我是誰 2004-5-13 13:04:06
集體不交管理費 !!  ...23 loklok 2004-5-12 215811 loklok 2004-5-12 14:23:54
Hire a Car? jokenhk 2004-5-11 31416 jokenhk 2004-5-11 23:13:38
收樓答問大會後記(出席業主超過五十人)  ...234 我是誰 2004-5-11 316612 我是誰 2004-5-11 18:29:47


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