Today I discovered that there is another door that can access to the 2/F lift lobby which doesn't need password. It seems a design mistake. I already reported to the security guard but we still need to follow up. Everybody in BLK 2 please be careful.
係響停車場果層,按 password 隻門側邊仲有一隻門,果隻門係唔使 password 都入到架!
其實我地早在上個月已經同管理處 d 人提出過呢個問題,但都好似不了了之!
我仲以為座座都係咁架添! :?:[/quote]Can you come on Sat (19/6) ? If so you can ask them directly. If not post a photo so that we can follow up don't let them 不了了之! :em12: