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Rank: 4

發表於 2020-3-13 23:29:38 來自手機 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 nownew1 於 2020-3-14 16:23 編輯

[ [[[[[[[[英文版] ]]]]]]]]完 -  有關 (香港藝人秘聞)- 大家都有仔女, 有著數¶¶¶¶¶¶( 學識英文了,****應該有簡單級啦、普通話國語應該有高級程度啦。*****( 唔使去補習 - 浪費金錢 ).....關於學習. 小學, 高中, 專上學院, 大學(出國留學),識人想讀邊間都得, 真的嗎??

俾的意見 (大家請選擇):

1。日日溫習先讀到 小學, 高中, 專上學院或 大學......

### 2。日日溫習再去補習 先讀到 小學, 高中, 專上學院,或大學......

3。 五三五四, 又煙又酒濫藥,..... 讀到小學, 高中, 專上學院(進修) 或 大學......

廣東話, 英文, 國語, 日語, 泰語, 台語......
試下去聽快的 英文 國語 、試下去聽更加快英文國語.....都未聽得明呀????( 所有電影、電視劇 -當然 關閉字幕或遮住字幕 )¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶
聽寫講睇,讀完 大學生喎,老師喎,碩士喎,識幾多呢??係咪垃圾食撚屎呀?!試左未呀?

*** 要求香港中國正式交代 (透過報張雜誌傳媒):***係咪傻人教學?¶¶¶¶¶¶低能㗎?痴線㗎?
係所有學生和家長面前試, 試比所有學生和家長睇(小心老師出貓作弊), 叫埋 所有解散失業又假扮同性戀的(((((((((屌小祖宗警察,高級警察, 沙展警長督察,高級督察,總督察,警司,高級/總警司,署長))))))))),廉署傳媒, 和呃錢庸醫試試, 試多少少試其他 呀!  

所有幼稚園, 小學,中學,專上學院, 大學 老師 唔識 英文 和 國語......,點教學生呀? 教錯學生點算,要辭職㗎!聽到未明呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!下文

http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningeng ... r-language-selector

https://www.icrt.com.tw/podcasts ... 1=12&mlevel2=31

最新 -(初、中、高、國家級?)普通話國語

If your head is full of things to think about, it can be easy to forget some of them. Rob is in the kitchen cooking up an English expression that describes a forgetful memory that you’ll always remember!
Hello and welcome to The English We Speak with me, Feifei…  
…and me, Rob. Thanks for joining me in the kitchen today, Feifei, for the unveiling of my new cake.
It’s just a cake, Rob, but if it’s good, I’m happy to try a slice.
Well, let's get it out of the oven now… There we go... Ta da!
Err… looks great, Rob, but let’s try it... It’s a bit stodgy, heavy… even lumpy.
Right. So you don’t actually like it! I followed the recipe exactly, although perhaps I forgot to do something to the flour. I seem to... Oh I seem to have a memory like a...
A sieve.
That’s it! I didn’t sieve the flour – that explains the lumps.
No, Rob, I meant you have a memory like a sieve. When we say someone has a memory like a sieve, we mean they have a very bad memory and forget things easily! Your memory is bad, Rob – you can’t forget things when you’re cooking.
Well, I’m not the only one. Listen to these examples.
I’ve been making my own lunch to take to work, but I’ve got a memory like a sieve and I keep leaving it at home!
My husband’s got a memory like a sieve – he keeps going out and leaving the iron switched on.
I’ve got a memory like a sieve – I left the house without my keys this morning and now I’m locked out!
You're listening to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, and we’re talking about the phrase ‘to have a memory like a sieve’.  It basically means bits of information fall through your memory and get forgotten, just like flour falling through the sieve that Rob should have used when baking a cake! So are you going to try again, Rob?
No, I think my baking days are over, but luckily I bought one from the shop just in case.
That’s OK. A shop-bought cake will do – so get it out and I’ll put the kettle on.
Great… err… Now where did I put it? I know it’s around here somewhere?
Memory like a sieve again, Rob?
Looks like it. I’ve got a lot on my mind, Feifei.
Don’t worry, I’ve found it – it’s here in the fridge with the milk!
Honestly, I’d forget my own name sometimes!
Bye, Rob.
Ah that’s it! Bye!

香港人, 讀書唔多,有人話我 係邊緣少女或迷幻少男, 唔乖喎,  我學識小小英文啦, 真,係小小, 應該有簡單級啦!  我唔會多謝老師㗎, 係自己學習囉, 教育界老師無教過我㗎(喎) ! !!!!

(網上有好多簡單級水平測試....等等 --應該用英文 電視劇電影 做水平測試, 不是字詞 )估我地識幾多呀!測試水平呀(喎 )! !!!?其實可以嗎?可以之後....!!! !(下文)
_____________所有老師, 一人一留言(留名), 想學習, 學好呀, 有更好方法嗎?唔留言俾我呀, 都會學習㗎!算了, 無興趣同埋已經唔想知老師 點解唔留言俾我啦 !!
想學台語, 唔好問點解唔繼續學英文初中高級,國家級呀?台語有自學網站提供嗎?又淺入深呀?
關於 ((( 香港藝人秘聞 )))) -  香港有好多人 識廣東話, 英文, 國語, 日語, 泰語, 台語,  ......等等, 肯定!

有人講:識4 種,5種,6 種,7種, 8種......全部都係 高級及國家級程度 (好容易啫, 好多小學生都有學啦 )!(聽或 寫或 睇或 講)真定假呀, 去問下啦, 問左未呀?
(((((香港藝人秘聞- 政府,icac,中國,警察傳媒 貪污干預、黑客、留意 )))
Line: children16,  Whatsapp: 65832747 微信 child2004 微信child2004微信 daak520, 微信zuedue1999微信teae2000微信qeca2000, facebook 搜尋: matinkai@hotmail.com (名: ma tin kai )

公X員,飛仔, 藝X, 傳X,警X, 醫X... 及 (公X員,飛仔,藝X,傳X,警X ,醫X...的仔女都係)....一樣係人 ,大把....食煙,飲酒,叫雞,包二奶,濫藥, 吹蕭, 自摸鮑魚, 口交 ,玩SM, 玩jj, 睇咸片, 打飛機, 換妻...等等!!-((睇完-上文-佢地以為自己真係專業專家))--((唔好信呢的垃圾專業專家講野,好無道德和無人格無誠信,自己無問題,其他人有問題......心理,溝通,營養,文字,說話, 行為, 思想,情緒, 唔精神...等等... 如果唔係呢的垃圾專業專家邊度有工開, 有錢賺, 呃錢!!!
另外, 真係以為警x世家--有錢佬的狗想做就做或做先... 呢到爭的...個 到 啱 啱好... 話想做就做或請先...--垃圾警x仔女資助出國又話係留學生, 否則垃圾不如-小學,初中警X大專大學再去進修-- 即是7000000人都可以做到 垃圾警...等等

通知和 公開 ---- 幾個重點------有講過:一向係咁, 威唔到唔去死? 要威要驚男人女人 (學生) 知仲扮勁,拆警署廉署即死((((((((((((警廉屎公務員只係人多,鎖定目標,唔精銳~ 警廉屎公務員遇到人多高大驚)))))))))))))!行街影相犯法呀? 係擺明侮辱,撚樣粉腸!,屌你老母老豆外父外母仔女,孫,bb仔女 ----呼籲 要警察廉署庸醫老師 (及其家人) 無面子 ---
- 一定要 公開 上文

Rank: 4

發表於 2020-3-13 23:29:59 來自手機 |只看該作者
(想問 ) 幼稚園,小學中學DSE考試 ,專上學院大學,碩士係咪有英文國語科目...呀????????????

第一 )真係有人日日溫習讀書、或者日日溫習再去補習、或者食煙飲酒濫藥...讀書、或者讀唔到書、或者全部都係高級國家級程度.......!!!!? ???有無呢的人, 去左哪裡呀!!! !?全部死晒呀???

第二)*****呼籲 要警屎廉屎庸醫醫屎, 老師傳媒娛樂圈 公務員公務屎 (及其家人) 無面子,屌你老母老豆外父外母仔女,孫,bb仔女******


係街聽到有人講(可能係學生):敎育界老師,警察廉署庸醫公務員....等等,唔要面(等於唔要臉囉),同埋講「「「「低能㗎    」」」」

「「「「應該講:英文國語聽到未明,仲教書呀!黐孖筋㗎(黐孖筋比黐線更嚴重呀!  )」」」」」

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