We can 成立業主立案法團within兩年內 but no use
1. 電聯合約is 2 years we don't have right to broken it.
2. although we 成立業主立案法團 and want to take out current 管理公司 we don't have enough votes here remember Development still have all parking and most of the shops (Fortress ... and parts of Hotel). They're still the Game Player.
as i guess the only things we can do is complaint to Consumer Council and FORCE 管理公司to 將上網費由管理費抽出
[quote:4c00e93c20="我是誰"]We can 成立業主立案法團within兩年內 but no use
1. 電聯合約is 2 years we don't have right to broken it.
2. although we 成立業主立案法團 and want to take out current 管理公司 we don't have enough votes here remember Development still have all parking and most of the shops (Fortress ... and parts of Hotel). They're still the Game Player.
as i guess the only things we can do is complaint to Consumer Council and FORCE 管理公司to 將上網費由管理費抽出 [/quote]
有個問題 佢係大業主 d 地方係咪佢都要嘔滾你費?
car park 唔通又整個 port 上網咩 ...
要投 1. 就逐個用戶為單位咁去投票 8)
再唔係 2. 跟業權份數俾滾你費