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決定找消費者委員會 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-5-8 23:28:26 |只看該作者
To Joseph I agree to your suggestion. But.. i hope that it's the final solutions. Our target is to solve problems right? My suggestion is that:
1. Complain to Management Group (管理處)
2. Complain to Hutchison Whampoa / Cheung Kong
3. Complain to 消費者委員會 and Media

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-8 23:32:00 |只看該作者
[quote:33baccaa39="我是誰"]To Joseph I agree to your suggestion. But.. i hope that it's the final solutions. Our target is to solve problems right? My suggestion is that:
1. Complain to Management Group (管理處)
2. Complain to Hutchison Whampoa / Cheung Kong
3. Complain to 消費者委員會 and Media[/quote]

How to complain Hutachison Whampoa /Cheung Kong? They had already received the money! They don't care of us.

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Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-9 00:05:00 |只看該作者

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2004-5-9 00:08:25 |只看該作者
[quote:9ac8560de0="John & Esther"]
How to complain Hutachison Whampoa /Cheung Kong? They had already received the money! They don't care of us.[/quote]

香 港 九 龍 紅 磡 德 豐 街 十 八 號 海 濱 廣 場 一 座二 樓
電話 : (852) 2128 7500
傳真 : (852) 2128 7922
電郵 : infohk@hwpg.com
RC 專用
電話 : (852) 2128 7738
電郵 : ramblercrest@hwpg.com
超頻COD中 (Compulsive Obsessive Disorder)

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-9 00:08:35 |只看該作者
no i think mr lam is just a staff of hutachison whampoa and no right to make any decision. he said he'll follow-up all of our problems as if he can. i think he just makes us feel better. how to solve our problems in a short time by his effort only? yes he is so helpful actually. but he is just a one of staff only. Now hutachison whampoa repairs our defects and not seems to be rejected us. so........i think we can't complain them anyway.  the main problem is the steps of follow-up. no any professional checking after repair our defects.
so....please still keep our power together!!!! don't give up!!!!!!!!!!

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-5-9 00:09:34 |只看該作者
I agree with 我是誰's idea we should have strategy to escalate the issues according to this sequence 1->2->3. Media is the last resort.
As long as CK has further houses to sale they should be clever enough to listen to us. Otherwise the noises would severely affect their sale result.

One suggestion is to monitor when they are going to promote big estate (like Pacifica phrase II) and we give warning to them 1-2 weeks before...

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-5-9 00:40:50 |只看該作者


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-5-9 00:54:31 |只看該作者
I support to 我是誰's idea although I think the quality ....for me.....is satisfied
:zdevil: :zdevil: :zdevil:

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2004-5-9 19:39:47 |只看該作者
[quote:4a7f5fe378="diedsee"]I support to 我是誰's idea although I think the quality ....for me.....is satisfied[/quote]

我都贊成呀 :em11: 先吾理每人各有多定少的執漏最重要系佢地真系講一套做就另一套尤奇系個交通接駁巴士最為不芝所胃 :em20: 另外會所問題亦系一個大問題泥都已經毛野玩重要整到我地即吏吾玩日後有任河維修都要入落我地管你肺度 :em20: 當中重有不少問題到而家真系要出聲羅佢地實在太過分 :x

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2004-5-10 00:18:29 |只看該作者
as discuss with some RC members how many days should we give Mr Lam (management group) for improve defect after last sat meeting? for me i suggest give them 7 days and then review their working (better than before meeting or not).... :em14:

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