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第二座 今日: 0|主題: 374

作者 回復/查看 最後發表
我家的冷氣機...... kaman 2004-6-23 22197 kaman 2004-6-23 22:59:54
大家之入伙現況 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-6-20 83033 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-6-20 15:15:29
有方法close左門 都唔會返鎖 Astor Nancy 2004-6-19 42533 Astor Nancy 2004-6-19 20:44:25
近岸啦! 近岸啦! John and Esther 2004-6-15 72754 John and Esther 2004-6-15 15:49:35
請問 T2. 23D 是否已登記呢? Rickyrx 2004-6-15 93298 Rickyrx 2004-6-15 13:08:46
Be careful! Door in 2/F! John and Esther 2004-6-14 62670 John and Esther 2004-6-14 22:58:00
Get the key back  ...2 Wilkins 2004-6-10 103711 Wilkins 2004-6-10 16:35:33
入伙未???????? John and Esther 2004-6-7 62544 John and Esther 2004-6-7 17:06:02
有冇人整緊冷氣機?  ...2 John and Esther 2004-6-7 155368 John and Esther 2004-6-7 17:00:07
Lucky AngusZire 2004-6-7 01762 AngusZire 2004-6-7 00:15:02
6月5日: 嘩....靚仔Dick真有俠義心腸.....勁呀!!!! Sharon Brian 2004-6-5 53020 Sharon Brian 2004-6-5 20:55:11
換左玻璃窗啦  ...23 Simon Michelle 2004-6-5 227804 Simon Michelle 2004-6-5 00:52:31
Ben Li  ...2 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-6-3 104145 Jeffrey Shirley 2004-6-3 23:13:28
請問有無3座已經入伙呀 chee 2004-6-2 21972 chee 2004-6-2 19:52:26
踩場 diedsee 2004-6-2 93110 diedsee 2004-6-2 19:47:32
唔知6月有多小2座朋友入伙呢.  ...2 benjeaaa 2004-6-2 155327 benjeaaa 2004-6-2 17:15:58
二座有冇人已經執好漏呢?  ...234 yautin1 2004-6-2 309561 yautin1 2004-6-2 16:54:13
有無搞錯! 藍澄小海豚 2004-6-2 73835 藍澄小海豚 2004-6-2 16:20:13
恭喜恭喜 rstfung 2004-6-2 52872 rstfung 2004-6-2 16:15:44
想認識2座鄰居 attachment  ...23456..12 John and Esther 2004-5-30 11535958 John and Esther 2004-5-30 23:25:17


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