i prefer purposed 1. Regarding the a) thinking that it may be better with one week notice for flatmate to arrange coming and sign it. Regarding the b i see many adv. in our letter box. Just wonder why they can do it why we cannot. For the Balance bc) i just afriad it may be lost the power if it is less than 40-50% to be signed. (May i ask how many flat is signed it. i guess It is sold around 1400 apartments totally.)
OH... this is a damn big problem. They are lying again and again!!! We should hold a meeting with mangement office to discuss in details for this point and also the followup works of our defects right?
I believe 1 shuttle bus from RC to any place is not big deal to the whole traffic network right? If they reject our application is another case. The first case is they haven't do it.