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容我再稱讚二座管理員,賴先生 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-12-24 14:41:39 |只看該作者
:detective :detective :detective

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-12-28 01:17:37 |只看該作者
5 座0個個呀叔 . 唉 . 走過都唔知好唔好同佢打招full[/quote]

唔知係咪講緊個白頭佬! 我見佢前面就憎佢後面!!
平時出入招呼唔洗只意佢會打 佢個表情好似係我得罪左佢咁樣!!
就算坐起個位度都唔會幫人"禁"個開門制(so far咁多個管理員係得佢一個咁有性格!) 出出入入好似仲要睇佢面色!
好耐之前有一次見佢講晒粗口起度鬧個同事 個同事比佢鬧得好慘 真係鬧得好過份! 另一次相反見有個惡過佢既男人 指住佢小到佢頭"dup dup"(心都涼晒~) 正一看門狗!
出入見佢只有兩樣野 一係唔出聲 二係就起度講緊人事非!! 佢個款就簡直似業主多過似食蕉!
唔好意思 講起佢就火都離埋!!  :evil:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2004-12-28 01:26:57 |只看該作者
5 座0個個呀叔 . 唉 . 走過都唔知好唔好同佢打招full[/quote]

唔知係咪講緊個白頭佬! 我見佢前面就憎佢後面!!
平時出入招呼唔洗只意佢會打 佢個表情好似係我得罪左佢咁樣!!
就算坐起個位度都唔會幫人"禁"個開門制(so far咁多個管理員係得佢一個咁有性格!) 出出入入好似仲要睇佢面色!
好耐之前有一次見佢講晒粗口起度鬧個同事 個同事比佢鬧得好慘 真係鬧得好過份! 另一次相反見有個惡過佢既男人 指住佢小到佢頭"dup dup"(心都涼晒~) 正一看門狗!
出入見佢只有兩樣野 一係唔出聲 二係就起度講緊人事非!! 佢個款就簡直似業主多過似食蕉!
唔好意思 講起佢就火都離埋!!  :evil:[/quote]


使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2004-12-28 01:30:58 |只看該作者
係呀 係最肥果個白頭佬呀.

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2004-12-28 11:52:40 |只看該作者
我已經送左份聖誕禮物比賴生喇! 佢都好開心~~
~~我地新婚喔!~~ ~~好Sweet~~ http://www.webshots.com/user/kilianho 若不是耶和華建造房屋 建造的人就枉然勞力; 若不是耶和華看守城池 看守的人就枉然儆醒! (詩127:1)

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 2

發表於 2005-3-1 14:38:13 |只看該作者


Sorry everyone I think I've to DISAGREED what you all have said about Mr. Lai.  
Actually we moved in last week and there were serveral unpleasant experiences were given out by Mr. Lai.   
To be honest I must admit that he is very very responsible in guarding the main door expecially for the new faces like us.  I accept that the security cannot recognize all the people living in RC but it is ridiculous that we introduced ourselves registered our contact numbers asked about how to apply for the club house card .. etc everything through Mr. Lai himself.  And We entered the building 5-6 times per day during the week we were decorating our house.  He still can't remember where we from.  

EVERYTIME when Mr. Lai is on duty:
- He stopped us right away we were not allowed to go into the lift.  He asked us to come out in front of the other people!(how embarassing?)
- Asking if we're the house owner or just tenant? (Does he need to know?? Is there any different??)
- Asked me to open the mailbox in order to prove that we're living here.
- Asked us to register again again and again
- Asked us if we have the club house card to prove ourselves
- Asked if we have apply for the intercom .. etc
:evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
The above prodcedures happened everytime when we see him.  We are fed up with the above procedures in entering into Tower 2.  We just want to go home!!  Therefore I asked him if he can try to recognise us next time in order to avoid such an embarass situation.  His said:
- Because you've changed your hair style
(I tied up my hair in the afternoon) but my hubby is still in short hair
- I was in night shift and I didn't see you
(Of course he didn't see us coz we haven't moved in yet!)
- Dozen of sorry .....

I don't understand why we need to suffer from such kind of horrible questioning everytime we go home!?!  Maybe we look too common or extremely like thefts??

What can we do??  Shall we place our photo on his desk??

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 4

發表於 2005-3-2 12:28:33 |只看該作者
I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope in the near future he or the other guards will recognise you guys.
After the 1ST meeting of OC we urge the guards should ask for the visitor to register for the security reasons. That's  why you gain that unpleasant experience. Once again please accept our apology.
Hopefully we will introduce a new card system for entering maybe this can improve.
At present if you don't mind please have your club house card already give them a period of time the situation will be improved.
I'm glad that the guard is really performing their duty. h:

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 2005-3-3 01:07:18 |只看該作者
[quote:1d307b992b="Hello Kitty"]BT

I'm glad that the guard is really performing their duty. h:[/quote]

Agreed! 為左保障大家既安全 嚴謹d都好既.... 而且最近真係好多內地團友行黎行去.......  :idea:
2座A - original \"M&J\"

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 2005-3-3 01:10:50 |只看該作者
"- Asked me to open the mailbox in order to prove that we're living here. "
但係呢個好神奇喎~ 都係第一次聽~

使用道具 舉報

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 2005-3-3 10:20:09 |只看該作者
都話 up 網上10個朋友的名字 重唔 夠prove ?

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