其實我唔係咁鍾意rc 隻指定款 因好覺眼 block 在個view (但係咪其實安窗花好難唔覺眼? ) 我想唔用佢o個隻 搵d 冇咁覺得o既款 但又驚管業處唔俾...[/quote]
Schedule 5 (Owners' Covenants) Paragraph 4 (Alterations) item g ︰Not to install any metal grille or shutter on or at any window of a Serviced Apartment except as permitted under the Development Rules.
不過都要睇管理處做野定唔做野囉!好似o係窗邊晒衫咁! :em18:作者: Robert 時間: 2006-10-6 23:15:07
其實我唔係咁鍾意rc 隻指定款 因好覺眼 block 在個view (但係咪其實安窗花好難唔覺眼? ) 我想唔用佢o個隻 搵d 冇咁覺得o既款 但又驚管業處唔俾...[/quote]
Schedule 5 (Owners' Covenants) Paragraph 4 (Alterations) item g ︰Not to install any metal grille or shutter on or at any window of a Serviced Apartment except as permitted under the Development Rules.
不過都要睇管理處做野定唔做野囉!好似o係窗邊晒衫咁! :em18:[/quote]
其實我唔係咁鍾意rc 隻指定款 因好覺眼 block 在個view (但係咪其實安窗花好難唔覺眼? ) 我想唔用佢o個隻 搵d 冇咁覺得o既款 但又驚管業處唔俾...[/quote]
Schedule 5 (Owners' Covenants) Paragraph 4 (Alterations) item g ︰Not to install any metal grille or shutter on or at any window of a Serviced Apartment except as permitted under the Development Rules.
不過都要睇管理處做野定唔做野囉!好似o係窗邊晒衫咁! :em18:[/quote]