same thing happened to me. all Pricerite stores are out of stock and I ordered one today. Rasonic RA-MM12 (550W 12L) $480.作者: boy33 時間: 2006-6-13 15:13:32
我個部都係壞左 用左1年半左右 所有按鍵都冇反應.. 三星D野好差!!作者: Billy 時間: 2006-6-13 15:36:15
可能買個部新o既唔差好多喎... :dead:作者: kk and hiromi 時間: 2006-6-18 19:27:46
mine one was out of service long time ago and I remove the whole piece of rack and just place a new microwave beside the sink. It doesn't worth to fix the old one at all....作者: siukwai 時間: 2006-6-19 15:49:39