
標題: 鮮風系統的問題 [打印本頁]

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-9-30 09:24:27     標題: 鮮風系統的問題

如果冇,咪由早到晚長開....fei fei 聲,好鬼煩喎。 :em05:
另外,清潔時,風口裡面塞哂塵,可唔可以power -off 柝開佢打理呢?
作者: Ray    時間: 2003-9-30 12:51:16

鮮風 supply from central system. You cannot suspend the system individually.

Normally air damper will be installed into the ducting but not easy to access. The air damper may put inside pipe duct.

As fresh air intake has filter so air duct cleaning is not frequently around 5 years interval by management office.
作者: FD    時間: 2003-10-1 00:19:27     標題: Re: 鮮風系統的問題

如果冇,咪由早到晚長開....fei fei 聲,好鬼煩喎。 :em05:
另外,清潔時,風口裡面塞哂塵,可唔可以power -off 柝開佢打理呢?[/quote]

夏天就話無所謂,冬天想唔要都唔得...咁咪好幣 :em03:
作者: Ray    時間: 2003-10-1 07:36:54

獨立開關??? Air damper inside flat????????
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-10-1 10:04:04     標題: Re: 鮮風系統的問題

如果冇,咪由早到晚長開....fei fei 聲,好鬼煩喎。 :em05:
另外,清潔時,風口裡面塞哂塵,可唔可以power -off 柝開佢打理呢?[/quote]
我諗唔會好嘈.......正如酒店果d風口一樣 8)
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-10-1 10:15:40     標題: Re: 鮮風系統的問題

如果冇,咪由早到晚長開....fei fei 聲,好鬼煩喎。 :em05:
另外,清潔時,風口裡面塞哂塵,可唔可以power -off 柝開佢打理呢?[/quote]
我諗唔會好嘈.......正如酒店果d風口一樣 8)[/quote]

but 酒店房風口,是有開關,可以調較 low mid Hi.......喎
作者: Ray    時間: 2003-10-1 19:11:42     標題: Re: 鮮風系統的問題

如果冇,咪由早到晚長開....fei fei 聲,好鬼煩喎。 :em05:
另外,清潔時,風口裡面塞哂塵,可唔可以power -off 柝開佢打理呢?[/quote]
我諗唔會好嘈.......正如酒店果d風口一樣 8)[/quote]

but 酒店房風口,是有開關,可以調較 low mid Hi.......喎[/quote]

"low mid Hi" is Fan Coil Unit (i.e. similar to our split unit) not fresh air supply.

fresh air 好嘈 ==> 唔會 as the air grille just supply a very very volume to each flat.
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-10-1 22:26:40

咁d甲由會不會在鮮風嘈內走來走去,在fire家食完火太的晚飯然後跑到我家寄居 (話晒我地住樓上樓下喎) :?: :?:
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-10-1 22:48:06

[quote:bd0aeb5ea7="wychan"]咁d甲由會不會在鮮風嘈內走來走去,在fire家食完火太的晚飯然後跑到我家寄居 (話晒我地住樓上樓下喎) :?: :?:[/quote]
蟑螂呢d小動物就算無鮮風嘈都會有啦 :em18:
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-10-1 23:21:12     標題: 小強...


唔係呀化小強呢家野不野為妙喎 噤個鮮風位會唔會真係俾小強入倒黎? but果個位唔係長期有風吹入黎架咩 :?: 噤d小強都可以禁利害做superman入黎or fly into my house :idea: 噤d can fly既小強咪好easy fly into my house law :?: ... :!: 好驚呀"幣"噤if typhoon or ready rainning must have fly小強/蜻蜓/other fly small an insect into my house o...who can help me :?: and 會唔會因為個鮮風位積塵太多而攪到有細菌滋生架same淘大garden :?:

作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-10-1 23:29:37

會有filter 唔駛驚
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-10-1 23:32:21

[quote:c6b30309f2="wicyh"]會有filter 唔駛驚[/quote]

咁小強同老鼠的屍體咪會留係filter後面 :?: 會不會有屍臭呢?
作者: wicyh    時間: 2003-10-1 23:34:54

作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-10-2 00:47:43

[quote:b94bfc1640="wychan"]咁d甲由會不會在鮮風嘈內走來走去,在fire家食完火太的晚飯然後跑到我家寄居 (話晒我地住樓上樓下喎) :?: :?:[/quote]
咁咪同你一齊落黎食飯...之後又一齊上番屋企........ :mrgreen:
作者: wychan    時間: 2003-10-2 02:11:15

[quote:91fc80efed="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"][quote:91fc80efed="wychan"]咁d甲由會不會在鮮風嘈內走來走去,在fire家食完火太的晚飯然後跑到我家寄居 (話晒我地住樓上樓下喎) :?: :?:[/quote]
咁咪同你一齊落黎食飯...之後又一齊上番屋企........ :mrgreen:[/quote]

仲要又食又呤tim... :em12:  :em12:  :em04:
作者: FireFire    時間: 2003-10-2 02:23:39

[quote:ec507c0309="wychan"][quote:ec507c0309="Mr. & Mrs. FireFire"][quote:ec507c0309="wychan"]咁d甲由會不會在鮮風嘈內走來走去,在fire家食完火太的晚飯然後跑到我家寄居 (話晒我地住樓上樓下喎) :?: :?:[/quote]
咁咪同你一齊落黎食飯...之後又一齊上番屋企........ :mrgreen:[/quote]

仲要又食又呤tim... :em12:  :em12:  :em04:[/quote]
冇所謂啦....鄰居嗎.. :mrgreen:
作者: Ray    時間: 2003-10-2 09:12:41

So far I haven’t got experience in finding of 小強 老鼠 and their family in fresh air duct as duct environment is not good for小強 / 老鼠; haven't any food material temperature keeping in low-level (normally 14-16 deg.C for fresh air duct).

小強 / 老鼠 in false ceiling is frequently happened.
作者: saga    時間: 2003-10-2 10:07:23


小強 / 老鼠 in false ceiling is frequently happened.[/quote]

True and films often has this scene :em18:
作者: manhk167    時間: 2003-11-24 10:43:50

作者: wychan    時間: 2003-11-24 16:42:26

作者: dick queenie    時間: 2003-11-24 17:24:30

[quote:4f60a85827="wychan"]有了鮮風系統,至少好處係藍澄灣永遠不會發生燒炭事件,因為鮮風系統會有足夠空氣流通 [/quote]

講得好..... :em17:
火勢是否越來越勁。請火生答一答..... :?:
作者: 小yen    時間: 2003-11-24 20:35:42

[quote:1c67c923e6="dick&queenie"][quote:1c67c923e6="wychan"]有了鮮風系統,至少好處係藍澄灣永遠不會發生燒炭事件,因為鮮風系統會有足夠空氣流通 [/quote]

講得好..... :em17:
火勢是否越來越勁。請火生答一答..... :?:[/quote]

係喎燒炭事件真係冇咩可能發生倒喎 :roll: but if fire really can increase fire to big wo... :?: 呀 :em07: if really fire how can anyone to do r :?:
作者: Ray    時間: 2003-11-24 21:11:18

[quote:4a5ad7ba68="小yen"][quote:4a5ad7ba68="dick&queenie"][quote:4a5ad7ba68="wychan"]有了鮮風系統,至少好處係藍澄灣永遠不會發生燒炭事件,因為鮮風系統會有足夠空氣流通 [/quote]

講得好..... :em17:
火勢是否越來越勁。請火生答一答..... :?:[/quote]

係喎燒炭事件真係冇咩可能發生倒喎 :roll: but if fire really can increase fire to big wo... :?: 呀 :em07: if really fire how can anyone to do r :?:[/quote]

fire damper will stop the smoke :em16: . According to photos from kenykl RC main door has smoke-seal which is different to traditional one 8) . Smoke-seal door is a requirement on hotel / apartment buildings.

EXIT light box in staricase all the installations will provide much safe environment.
作者: Simpsons    時間: 2003-11-24 23:29:56

作者: Solskjaer    時間: 2003-11-25 00:23:49

[quote:5972d26a6f="wychan"]有了鮮風系統,至少好處係藍澄灣永遠不會發生燒炭事件,因為鮮風系統會有足夠空氣流通 [/quote]
作者: Simpsons    時間: 2003-11-25 08:32:05

作者: manhk167    時間: 2004-1-16 09:59:09

d風係由5x樓抽送到每層?  定係?

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