標題: 台灣 婚紗相 [打印本頁] 作者: Cal and Cel 時間: 2006-1-5 11:09:39 標題: 台灣 婚紗相
Hello 大家好 我知道有好多對新人都係台灣or其他地方影婚紗相。我知今個星期六&日九展有結婚節 我都會去做searching 不過完全no idea 大家有冇好suggestions呀? 有邊間好呀?? 有d咩要注意? 有冇人已經影咗而又好呢!! 推介吓呀!!! Many Thanks!!!!
Cel作者: FireFire 時間: 2006-1-5 12:39:38 標題: To cal & Cel...taiwan wedding photos..
The best company of wedding photo in taiwan:~
3....i forgot...
for me I was joined the "Catherin" and satisfied with them.
you can check it from the internet...
http://verywed.com/ for more information.....作者: Cal and Cel 時間: 2006-1-5 16:47:44
How about this one?
http://www.clain.com.tw/作者: Cal and Cel 時間: 2006-1-5 17:00:17
Mr. & Mrs. FireFire
would you mind send some photos for my reference.
Many Thanks!作者: wychan 時間: 2006-1-6 02:21:39
HE he.. see mine... We were from 絕色...作者: Cal and Cel 時間: 2006-1-6 15:18:46
Thanks!!!! d 結婚相影得好靚! can u let me have more details. eg. price schedule ....
希望你們的婚禮一切順利!! 祝你們白頭到老!!
Cel作者: RangerX 時間: 2006-1-6 16:01:44
[quote:e7a047e816="Cal & Cel"]How about this one?
我就係係呢間影既 唔錯架~ :wink:
wychan影果間都好靚bor! :em04:作者: Cal and Cel 時間: 2006-1-7 09:37:47
RangerX would you mind to send me some details of 辛辛克萊?? which photographer and make-up assistance u used? and how about the package price? and how much u paid finally??
Many Thanks!!!!
Cel作者: sunday 時間: 2006-1-7 19:53:36
我在新新娘流行會館拍,很平!!作者: H and H 時間: 2006-1-7 23:28:11
[quote:0eed25c902="sunday"]我在新新娘流行會館拍,很平!![/quote]我都係喎 不過唔算平呀作者: Cal and Cel 時間: 2006-1-9 14:55:23
Mr. & Mrs. FireFire
哎呀!!!! 真的非常對不起 我剛才先知道原來我將給你的 pm reply save 咗!!! 一直未send出!! Sorry 呀!!!!!
Cel作者: 維也納 時間: 2006-1-30 01:33:59
[quote:4b404a88a9="wychan"]HE he.. see mine... We were from 絕色...[/quote]