其實我一直都有呢個想法(rc係和黃多過長實)好多時係報紙睇到長實講佢d新盤都唔會提rc.反而見到和黃就會提及rc. 所以我覺得rc的設計會係幾好(耐唔耐用就唔知呀o下). 大家有無留意到廁所的花洒係幾特別廚櫃和廁所的櫃鏡設計比起現時新既樓盤無咁普通.唔知你地又有無同感呢? :wink:作者: H and H 時間: 2003-9-24 21:40:28
Expensive flats also have problems. Best example is 浩劫灣一期 (Tower 3) it sold at $7000/ft but still have short piles. Tierra Verde is another example...作者: dick queenie 時間: 2003-9-24 23:40:24
Expensive flats also have problems. Best example is 浩劫灣一期 (Tower 3) it sold at $7000/ft but still have short piles. Tierra Verde is another example...[/quote]