
標題: 有樓在手 VS 租樓 [打印本頁]

作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-12 11:45:43     標題: 有樓在手 VS 租樓

而家D 樓價好左咁多 有無人諗過賣左層樓 轉為租樓呢?

我粗粗地計過. 我買層樓時係142萬( 連裝修 ) 而家我個單位大約可以賣到 200萬. 那麼. 我便可以有58萬的資金.

當我租一間屋 租金+水電 = $10000-

那58萬最少都可以讓我租到4.83 年的屋.

在這4.83年 我便可以完完整整的將我的月薪用到別的投資. 回報應該會比供樓多吧....
作者: abo and keung    時間: 2005-9-12 12:25:52

作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-12 12:35:37

但另一方面 又會諗當時低息 層樓又咁平.. 驚第時買唔返...
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-9-12 12:45:31

In the long lifespan of housing investment interest is only one of the consideration.

Another matter is how do you expect the future growth of your flat. If you believe it is rising in a higher speed than interest rate it may worth to keep it. Otherwise it is wise to release for saving your principal.

Also consider the cash flow. Monie for rent + investment vs monie for repayment should be considered. For cost only compare rent vs interest.
作者: Billy    時間: 2005-9-12 13:59:16




for example 美景4xx尺都係around rc half price.

作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-9-12 14:03:19

to be simple
it is just gamble

all math formulae are just used for valuation

econometric and demand/supply etc
cannot hold in hk
this is because our government is 'out-of-control'(that means hk gov is not targeted towards our goodness)
you know how ranmanbee and disney and freeman are changing hongkong now
also remember how options and new 'mortage insurance' has changedhongkong

our old econ trend of 'a drop every 3/4 years' is really over
and although many employers are cutting salary with high tax and high interest the market still have amazingly much money to buy flats

in short
it is very difficult to predict whether doing mortage is wise or not

[in the old happy days it is actually possible to 'sense' whether the stock market will collapse and whether the stock market will go up in 3/4 year cycles but i really think hk has delinked with us econ now]
作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-9-12 14:35:53

其實好多因素要考慮 例如收入or職業隱定性 結婚or生育計劃 生活習性咁啦

我有朋友係一年搬一搬 因為佢係d要有新鮮感o既人 一個區住落一年左右就想搬 全部都係一過o左一年死約就又搬去第二個區 識佢三年幾 搬o左三次 佢不知幾enjoy 好似佢咁又點會買樓呢?
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-12 16:15:53

我諗我係bikbark 講那種人... 而家我對住間屋 愈黎愈覺得厭.

我已經得閒無事將d 公仔move 下位 等自已覺得有d 新鮮感. 又換過  d 相.
但都依然望到厭. 好想換晒d 傢私. 好想再relocate 過d 位置.( 不過被阻止)
作者: wychan    時間: 2005-9-12 16:30:28

[quote:6f7b451089="Jess&Burns"]我諗我係bikbark 講那種人... 而家我對住間屋 愈黎愈覺得厭.
我已經得閒無事將d 公仔move 下位 等自已覺得有d 新鮮感. 又換過  d 相.
但都依然望到厭. 好想換晒d 傢私. 好想再relocate 過d 位置.( 不過被阻止)[/quote]

愈黎愈覺得厭 - 可能係你地婚後開始歸於平淡.... 你有你睇電視 佢有佢玩pda 咁 :dead:


就是每星期/每晚整d糖水呀 蛋糕呀 紅酒呀咁 叫我地呢班黃虫街坊上來吃喝玩樂...  :  包保你會越來越鍾意你屋企  :em12:
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-9-12 16:33:00

Then maybe all what you mentioned (investment...) were just excuses to support your underlying desire to change env... :
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-12 16:33:34

[quote:cff96bf3ad="wychan"][quote:cff96bf3ad="Jess&Burns"]我諗我係bikbark 講那種人... 而家我對住間屋 愈黎愈覺得厭.
我已經得閒無事將d 公仔move 下位 等自已覺得有d 新鮮感. 又換過  d 相.
但都依然望到厭. 好想換晒d 傢私. 好想再relocate 過d 位置.( 不過被阻止)[/quote]

愈黎愈覺得厭 - 可能係你地婚後開始歸於平淡.... 你有你睇電視 佢有佢玩pda 咁 :dead:


就是每星期/每晚整d糖水呀 蛋糕呀 紅酒呀咁 叫我地呢班黃虫街坊上來吃喝玩樂...  :  包保你會越來越鍾意你屋企  :em12:[/quote]

我老公唔鐘意. 佢鐘意玩PDA . 最好唔好阻住佢..  :dead:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-12 16:34:43

[quote:af357dca10="CJ"]Then maybe all what you mentioned (investment...) were just excuses to support your underlying desire to change env... :[/quote]

作者: bikbark    時間: 2005-9-12 17:17:20

[quote:69ed5d5bb1="Jess&Burns"][quote:69ed5d5bb1="CJ"]Then maybe all what you mentioned (investment...) were just excuses to support your underlying desire to change env... :[/quote]

哎呀 幫o左你口講埋tim

不如少d留o係屋企(人o地老公唔好打我)+兩三年換d傢俬 得閒再將d擺設移o下位咁 可能已經解決o左個問題

p.s 所以我屋企d傢俬全部可以移位 hales已經想改o下書房d擺位
作者: Billy    時間: 2005-9-12 21:56:46

不如少d留o係屋企(人o地老公唔好打我)+兩三年換d傢俬 得閒再將d擺設移o下位咁 可能已經解決o左個問題

p.s 所以我屋企d傢俬全部可以移位 hales已經想改o下書房d擺位[/quote]

我都好怕搬屋... :em18:
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-9-13 09:19:30

作者: Tomato    時間: 2005-9-13 10:10:36

我反而越住越唔捨得.......雖然明知賣樓都可以賺少少 租樓又平過而家供樓....但係我都係鍾意自己有層樓多d......

作者: CJ    時間: 2005-9-13 13:09:51

小心可能唔駛拆個間房櫃 唔知幾時就爛?
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-9-13 15:13:37

[quote:836849714b="Tomato"]我反而越住越唔捨得.......雖然明知賣樓都可以賺少少 租樓又平過而家供樓....但係我都係鍾意自己有層樓多d......


都可以租返藍澄灣架. 不過可以套返幾廿萬玩下
作者: H and H    時間: 2005-9-13 15:41:30

[quote:8bf301574e="Tomato"]我反而越住越唔捨得.......雖然明知賣樓都可以賺少少 租樓又平過而家供樓....但係我都係鍾意自己有層樓多d......

其實租樓唔係平過供樓架 因供樓有一part錢係你既本金 其實係儲緊錢架 而租樓就=wholly expenses so normally 租樓既錢係多過你既利息 人地租樓比你都要有回報啦 right?
作者: H and H    時間: 2005-9-13 15:45:10

[quote:7730b2a634="Jess&Burns"][quote:7730b2a634="Tomato"]我反而越住越唔捨得.......雖然明知賣樓都可以賺少少 租樓又平過而家供樓....但係我都係鍾意自己有層樓多d......


都可以租返藍澄灣架. 不過可以套返幾廿萬玩下[/quote]so 只有你套左個筆錢既投資回報係大過 > 你租樓比起你供樓所付多既錢 咁就有so.
作者: brutus    時間: 2005-9-13 21:40:34

Can I take Both Haha... Owned and rent
作者: H and H    時間: 2005-9-13 22:38:58

[quote:3a33b4a764="brutus"]Can I take Both Haha... Owned and rent[/quote]haha sure la      

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