
標題: 30 fleet s-video [打印本頁]

作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-8-23 10:06:29     標題: 30 fleet s-video

for a 'acceptable' performance(no major noise) quality
how much and where to buy?

thanks! :em14:  :em14:  :em14:
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2005-8-23 11:38:37

作者: Billy    時間: 2005-8-23 11:58:08


重唔係d咩有牌子架喎.... :sweat:
作者: unicorn    時間: 2005-8-23 15:27:27

at my house
the tv and the pc(i used video card to output to tv) are at least 20 fleet apart(straight line)
but i cannot keep the line straight coz my mum will kill me

so i need 30 fleet
i tried one $60 last night
I can see NOTHING at all
I had systematically tried
1. 18 fleet noise but still can see
2. 30 fleet noise and almost cannot see
so i concluded that it is cable problem
(you can figure out how much resistance and inductance over such cable)

I MAY seek something more expensive(almost $200)
but I worry that those shopkeeper will cheat me

please suggest
作者: CJ    時間: 2005-8-23 16:11:01

作者: stephenyeong    時間: 2005-8-23 20:31:56

你可以試試出到找找S-Video -> RJ45 的product

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