how come so many horrible & dangerous construction around RC???? STRONGLY OBJECTION!!!!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :x :x :x xyz......作者: Billy 時間: 2005-7-11 14:07:39
do they know that they will surelly use terminal number 9 as the ship port!
and they will have 1-2 time ship collision every year!!!!!
so the gas cargo ship will explode!!!!
(remember gas ship is more easily exploded that petroleum ship)
or they will LEAK toxic gas
ALSO there will be MANYMANY cars that transport gas moving around RC from that on!!!!!!!!(remember the DENSITY is very high)
we also know that there is once or twice traffic accident in front of the O-turn close to the the current petrol station EVERY WEEK already!!!!!!!!!
placing highly dangerous traffic so close to places of high traffic accident rate is CRAZY!!!!
ANY explosion in the gas-car will lead to petrol station explosion
THEY also ignore the chances of attack by TERRIST! it is very attractive to attack the largest gas store of hong kong.
(attacking petrol store lead to fire attacking gas store lead to explosion)
Our probability of dying is very very very high!!!!!!!!!!!!
FXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!作者: CJ 時間: 2005-7-11 16:16:38
索性反建議比佢起近d啦 tim馬艦好唔好?作者: CJ 時間: 2005-7-11 16:19:29
呀 唔好 不如欣澳ar 近disneyland 方便放煙花!!!作者: Billy 時間: 2005-7-11 16:56:43
We need to object to this. According to the news they are waiting for approval from EPD. We should raise our concern to EPD and we hope that we can stop them in this way. I hope that EPD will not treat RC as services appartment and ignore our existence again. I hope that the owner's commitee can handle this urgently. This will definitely theaten our life.作者: AngusZire 時間: 2005-7-12 15:22:40