in general medical or hospital plan is at-cost basis. that means the maximum you can get back is the cost you spent for medical or hospital service. if your hospital plan includes an item called "daily benefit" you can get extra daily pay when you are taking rest. usually you can get several hundreds each day during the period under this protection.
in your case if you have bought accident insurance you may try to claim for it.
至於賠償 其他網友都講左喇. 除左有 life 成份既保險之外 所有其他 ins claim 既錢係唔可以大過你既 cost 既. 即係你有兩份 medical ins 一份 claim 到 80% 咁第二份就只可以 claim 餘下既 20% (當然 對於某一 d 既 ins 保額都唔可以 underestimate 啦 如果唔係 賠法都可能唔同)
保險既目的就係唔想 d 投保人從中獲利 所以 claim amt = cost