
標題: 壞冷氣 [打印本頁]

作者: SAMSON    時間: 2005-4-29 20:52:39     標題: 壞冷氣


因為星期一聯絡管業處杜生,到今日都未知幾時會安排豐澤檢查。 :em13:  :em20:
作者: GT    時間: 2005-4-30 00:15:40

視乎你要唔要用吊船黎維修,我上次要吊船,足足等左三個月,同管理處林經理傾傾,你仲要惡D同強硬D才有用! 我估唔洗用吊船就容易D約!
作者: 藍澄小海豚    時間: 2005-4-30 00:22:11

作者: grassman    時間: 2005-4-30 00:24:33


你係第幾座呀? 乜住親頂樓都咁............. :x
作者: YY and KC    時間: 2005-4-30 00:34:07

咩道理呀??? :evil: 天台業主唔俾就hold住無得整? 禁個責任梗係管理處攪掂啦 唔可以話唔俾用吊船就唔整 禁咪永遠都唔駛整!!!!你問下佢 呢d理由佢過唔過到自己呀?? :em20:
作者: SAMSON    時間: 2005-4-30 10:57:10

我是04年4月收樓當時已報壞冷氣(客廳)但到78月至有吊船再10月至修理好(整咗56次廳果部OK但主人房果部有d什声)當時天氣已轉涼無法再試到上星期再開機又無泠氣宜家都吳知点算. :em06:  :em06:  :em06:  :em06:  :em06:
作者: Billy    時間: 2005-4-30 11:11:33

[quote:30e366f0df="SAMSON"]我是04年4月收樓當時已報壞冷氣(客廳)但到78月至有吊船再10月至修理好(整咗56次廳果部OK但主人房果部有d什声)當時天氣已轉涼無法再試到上星期再開機又無泠氣宜家都吳知点算. :em06:  :em06:  :em06:  :em06:  :em06:[/quote]

好慘喎一於同管理處flight過啦.... :evil:
作者: 加菲 Melody    時間: 2005-4-30 22:38:59

我家廳的冷氣機都壞咗早幾日都同管理處傾過話要過完5.1假期先回覆我激氣!!東芝d人話部冷氣機竟然冇雪種(你話幾不可思議)所以我打算如果佢地星期二唔覆我我就會去信發展商complaint到時睇下佢地點!(因為我地係04年尾收樓所以根本無可能在冬天試個冷氣凍不凍) :em13:   :em13:
作者: 藍澄小海豚    時間: 2005-4-30 22:51:47

[quote:d245ea0c60="grassman"] 乜住親頂樓都咁............. :x[/quote]

咁又唔怪得晒個業主 o既,用唔到吊船咪拿拿林安排搵人搭掤 o羅,都唔知管理處因咩解究搞咁耐! :em05:
作者: P女    時間: 2005-5-1 00:09:26

[quote:4fbde859c0="藍澄小海豚"][quote:4fbde859c0="grassman"] 乜住親頂樓都咁............. :x[/quote]

咁又唔怪得晒個業主 o既,用唔到吊船咪拿拿林安排搵人搭掤 o羅,都唔知管理處因咩解究搞咁耐! :em05:[/quote]

作者: Royhk    時間: 2005-5-1 01:23:29

[quote:deba1eafa1="藍澄小海豚"][quote:deba1eafa1="grassman"] 乜住親頂樓都咁............. :x[/quote]

咁又唔怪得晒個業主 o既,用唔到吊船咪拿拿林安排搵人搭掤 o羅,都唔知管理處因咩解究搞咁耐! :em05:[/quote]
因為星期一聯絡管業處杜生,到今日都未知幾時會安排豐澤檢查。 :em13:  :em20:[/quote]
管理公司自已有責任將自已工作做好!!或自己去監察佢啦唔好依賴人幫呀!各家自掃門前雪仲有千奇唔好係到講咁多管理公司唔好 好多人唔鍾意0架.
作者: dick queenie    時間: 2005-5-1 10:38:04



因業權關係,所有天台已被發展商售出,能否落吊船須得到有關天台業主同意,現階段情況極度embarrassing... :?

作者: 加菲 Melody    時間: 2005-5-1 17:30:28

保養期already expired on jan05 :em01:  :em01:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-5-4 16:40:39

昨天發現有兩部冷氣壞左. 開到. 不過一d 都唔涼.
於是今天打去管理署問. 佢話保養期得9個月 而且我們的保養期 一月已經過左.

但係佢地話無得用吊船. 要自己申請答棚整.

到底佢地咁樣做 合唔合理呢?

第一: 保養期真係過左. 佢地有理由唔整. :|
第二: 當初都無話過一定可以比我地用吊船. 要答棚 又似乎理所當然.  :?

不過 我又覺得 點解部冷氣用唔夠一年就壞? 到底係我唔好彩? 定係佢地質料有問題?

其實 而家我都唔知可以點做.

唔該有無人可以比d 意見?
作者: grassman    時間: 2005-5-4 16:54:19

[quote:f4d45ae2c6="Jess&Burns"]第二: 當初都無話過一定可以比我地用吊船. 要答棚 又似乎理所當然.  :? [/quote]

管業處可以唔批用吊船,但必須有合理理由。 不可以一句"唔批"就算! :twisted:
作者: Jess and Burns    時間: 2005-5-4 16:55:37

[quote:2e2e6cb4fb="grassman"][quote:2e2e6cb4fb="Jess&Burns"]第二: 當初都無話過一定可以比我地用吊船. 要答棚 又似乎理所當然.  :? [/quote]

管業處可以唔批用吊船,但必須有合理理由。 不可以一句"唔批"就算! :twisted:[/quote]

好. 等我質下佢.
作者: SAMSON    時間: 2005-5-6 12:43:31     標題: 新消息

我今天打電話去消費者委員會tel:2629 2222她們回覆是如果收樓至今冷氣still未修理好的話是有權告豐澤或和黄,或者你試吓打去消委會,我現在正等管業處--林經理--的回覆,如果回覆是不理,我先至去消委会或者上報紙。 :em13:  :em13:  :em13:  :em19:  :em19:
作者: fkf    時間: 2005-5-16 18:10:58

Just discover that the air-conditioner in the middle room is not cool at all!

Last year when I move in the air-con is okay. but after the air-conditioner maintenance work for the dinning room this problem appears. (after the maintenance work I've check the air-conditioner in dinning room but not the rest of air-con)

Anyone having the same problem
作者: MandyG室    時間: 2005-5-16 20:42:30

作者: fkf    時間: 2005-5-16 20:56:21

作者: MandyG室    時間: 2005-5-16 20:58:53

咁..要幾多錢呀 ?

唔知少o的開冷氣 會唔會使冷氣較耐用呢?
作者: waiwai12345    時間: 2005-5-16 22:53:56

My air-conditioners in Master bedroom and small room have the problems .... Not cool .... I saw that there are notice for erection scaffolding in my tower 2 lobby  the quality is so poor  
What can i do now .... ? i want to know how much do i need to pay too ...
作者: fkf    時間: 2005-5-17 18:26:27

作者: monmon    時間: 2005-5-17 18:50:59

I bought the unit in November 2004 and moved in in Feb 2005. Last night was the first time I turned on the master room air conditioner overnight. It was a nightmare and a catastrophe.

The outgoing water pipe of the master air con is broken and the water flows to the small room. My computer scanner LCD monitor ..... are covered with water. The wall separating the master room and the small room is soaked with water. Water keeps coming down from the ceiling.  I asked the management office to come over at 5 o'clock this morning and they promise noything. I asked my lawyer and finally found out that I couldn't do anything but just repair at my own cost.

I am terribily upset with the quality and I couldn't believe a first hand unit can be as worse as like this.
作者: 加菲 Melody    時間: 2005-5-17 21:32:51

O. so poor...... :em06: 但係我嘅case同你差不多只係冇四周圍漏水啫我都打過N次電話去管理處BUT NO FEEDBACK ! :evil:  :evil: 所以我準備找律師去處理~~~唉!!! :em01:  :em01不同的是我係一手貨尾單位)
作者: Royhk    時間: 2005-5-17 22:04:00

Please write down your problems and put it at 業委會提問箱 located at lobby and give 管理處more pressure you know our management office is NO. 1 in HK

Or let us vote to change our 管理處 after one year I hope!!!
作者: waiwai12345    時間: 2005-5-17 23:10:52

Dear all Would anyone repair air conditioner at his own cost? any scaffolding required to erect?...... I have asked the management office relating the repair work .... she reply that you are required to apply the work permit 4 working days for erection scaffolding if necessary and she told me that the dealer telephone no. for calling services by myself. I was surprised that about that matter.... Anyone have suggestion?
作者: SAMSON    時間: 2005-5-20 18:25:22     標題: 築柵

請問有沒有單位今天搭柵整冷氣???? :em13:
作者: grassman    時間: 2005-5-20 19:43:19     標題: Re: 築柵

[quote:3130ed6aca="SAMSON"]請問有沒有單位今天搭柵整冷氣???? :em13:[/quote]

Why ask?
作者: SAMSON    時間: 2005-5-21 18:37:35

作者: waiwai12345    時間: 2005-5-24 19:01:49     標題: A/C problems

Dear all
The Management Office give me Toshibia dealer phone no. for repairing A/C. Toshiba technician have checked my two sets of A/C and inspection checking fee have been paid ($504). The technician said Toshiba will give me the quotation. After 4 working days i phoned to Toshiba repairing group and reply that he can't do anything due to external wall works required (e.g. erection scaffolding). As such case i would like to report to all of you living in Rambler Crest.

作者: monmon    時間: 2005-5-25 09:51:50

We would like to inform our flat mates that we have repaired the leaking small room air con by ourselves. We broke part of the 石膏天花 and found out the outgoing water pipe is not attached at all. We re-attached the pipe properly and used 玻璃膠 on the endings.
Summer is just started and I really cannot put up with their slow response in handling our complaints.
作者: fkf    時間: 2005-6-2 22:08:25

作者: wing    時間: 2005-6-18 12:39:18

我想問一問如果因為冷氣機漏水而導致我牆身d油有問題 佢地會不會負責  :shock:
作者: Kiliyan    時間: 2005-6-18 13:34:00

呢排我都發覺間房部冷氣涼涼下就無乜冷氣出 但只係一時時係咁 有時又無乜事! 嘩....如果要整就要搭棚...好大陣仗喎...

仲有 唔知你地有無咁既情況 我廳果部冷氣每次一開就會有陣好'壓'既味 但開落又無喇! 上年夏天無咁既情況 係今年開先有 唔知係咪要清洗既呢?? 又唔知點清洗呢??  :roll:

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