I have seen the shop in Tsuen Wan. It just OK la!! Do u go to the 土瓜灣 (漆咸道北) la!! There is a lot of shop sell the furniture and the design la!!作者: diedsee 時間: 2003-9-2 18:43:07
oh..I will go there later作者: Suzuki 時間: 2003-9-2 18:52:59
hay diedsee where do u live la also there are a lot of shop in North Point and Yuen Long bor !! How much do u want to decorate your home ??作者: Solskjaer 時間: 2003-9-2 20:31:03 標題: Re: 荃灣傢俬店
我成日都去呀因為我都幾鍾意個度的設計我依家住緊間屋的傢俬都係係果度買呀你仲可以自己設計的圖樣然後比個度的傢俬公司"報價"O忝應該無黑店既不過一定要比較價錢同講價呀~~作者: Ho and Serene 時間: 2003-9-3 14:12:23
哈....o個間家私店我都有睇過呀l我仲睇中左個組合櫃柜中間有部份可以拉出來做張檯仔用來招呼朋友又可慳地方一舉兩得.........正 :em11: 大家不防去睇睇.作者: Ho and Serene 時間: 2003-9-3 20:36:03
間家俬店好似叫"雅閣傢俬設計" 作者: diedsee 時間: 2003-9-3 21:15:15
[quote:49b390dcb6="Suzuki"]hay diedsee where do u live la also there are a lot of shop in North Point and Yuen Long bor !! How much do u want to decorate your home ??[/quote]