點會唔明白但係唔係咁講我又諗唔到可以點講. 唉~~~~
都唔識講喇. :em05:作者: Jess and Burns 時間: 2005-3-24 16:14:15
我都同意Hales 的講法..
Hales 我都係唔做: "業主疑問與權益" 的版面管理員啦.
唔玩啦.作者: John and Esther 時間: 2005-3-24 16:51:08
Don't give up. :em14: It needs to take more time. I have same opinion with hales about 'off-topic' too and i found ppls share their opinions in another forums. Please serious this problem too.作者: leemoksau 時間: 2005-3-24 18:44:42 標題: Re: 辭退系統管理員職務
In a scientific mind...所有物質都會有一個定律 即使所有物質都是以
這稱之為亂序.... : (謎之聲:講乜鬼阿你....頂!~)[/quote]
:sweat: :sweat: :sweat:作者: Billy 時間: 2005-3-25 00:21:04