再者,曾蔭權一直民望高企,儘管他曾因為推銷政改方案和近日的西九龍文娛藝術發展區項目而令其民望反覆受挫,但仍然穩佔民望最高的問責官員之列,其民望更遠遠拋離其上司董建華。加上曾蔭權有逾三十年公務員的經驗,熟悉政府內部的運作,能更好地駕馭公務員體系。作者: John and Esther 時間: 2005-3-2 11:46:30
God knows that's true of false. :shock: Who is the next one? Pls guess? BoTie Tsang? :detective作者: vivian 時間: 2005-3-2 11:50:41
咁煲汰曾係忠定奸?作者: G-NET 時間: 2005-3-2 11:52:11
99%一定提早落台 中國政治的特式係 流言如果合理 多數會係真 反而官方版本就一定係假. 千幾年來 中國就係咁運作.作者: John and Esther 時間: 2005-3-2 12:22:36
v: what do u think about him? my opinion is: don't know too.
G-NET: i think so作者: Billy 時間: 2005-3-2 12:24:36
忠O既又點坐到呢個位呢.作者: John and Esther 時間: 2005-3-2 12:26:43
anyway need to celebrate for NO Tung's HK. ha.ha....... :yeah:作者: Billy 時間: 2005-3-2 12:28:26
[quote:ee1b03bfd5="John & Esther"]anyway need to celebrate for NO Tung's HK. ha.ha....... :yeah:[/quote]
AGREEAGREE :yeah:作者: John and Esther 時間: 2005-3-2 12:30:10
NO TUNG! NO TUNG! em19:作者: vivian 時間: 2005-3-2 12:31:44